Chapter 6

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*Peyton's POV* {The next morning on set}

I'm pretty sure the GMW ship trio and Mapril already know about this...

Olivia and I walk into the studio, hand in hand.

"Ah, haha!" Amir pats me on the back.

"Peylivia da house!" Corey cheers. "Pay up, Row."

"Ugh, Corey," Row says, reaching into her pocket and gives Corey the money.

I see Sab and Bradley approaching us.

"Hey guys," we all greet each other.

"There you guys are!" Michael exclaims, walking up to us.

Amir drags Olivia and me to the corner.

"Guys, what're you doing?" Amir asks.

"What do you mean? We're dating," Olivia explains.

"Don't pretend with King Lucaya," Amir orders. "I know you guys are trying to make Brabrina jealous.."

"What would make you say that, your highness..?" I ask with a smirk.

"Because you're going to sing On Purpose for Sabrina," Amir predicts.

"How do you know?!" I ask with a gasp.

"And you," he faces Olivia. "Are trying to closer to Sabrina so you have Bradley--but honestly, what do you see in him?"

"How do you know that?!" Olivia asks with a gasp.

"I'm the ship king, I know everything," Amir modestly bows.

"Get over yourself, Zay," Olivia jokes.

"And I also know about the square," Amir spats.

Olivia and I exchange worried glances.

"You have to tell them," Amir advises.

"We can't make this more complicated than it already is," I remind.

"Pey's right, Amir," Olivia.

"Make what complicated?" 2 voices behind us ask. Sab and Bradley...

Oh boy...

"We need to talk to you," Olivia and I chorus.

"Sure," Sab and Bradley reply. "What about..?"

"You take Bradley, I'll take Sab," I whisper to Olivia.

"Ok. We meet back in 15 minutes," Olivia adds.

I giggle. "Sounds good.."

"If it's to talk about--" Sabrina tries to joke.

I grab her wrist and sit her next to me on the rocking chairs in the front.

"I need to talk to you," I start the conversation.

"I know. But what about..?" She asks.

"When I first met you, we clicked instantly. Then we became best friends, co-stars and on the show..that campfire scene, when we did the scene. Like we did that other day.."

She nods along.

"When we kissed during that campfire, I felt something. Something magical, ever since I've been trying to protect you..because I love you," I take her hand and look her in the eyes.

She squeezes my hand and looks into my green eyes. "I love you too." She sighs, "But we can't--I'm with Bradley.."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about--I like Olivia too..."

"Rucaya triangle vibes all over," Sab says under her breathe.

"So...we like each other, but you like Bradley too..?"

She nods. "Let me guess, Olivia likes you and Bradley..?"

"And I can probably guess that Bradley likes Olivia too.."

"Boy, talk about major ship problems," Sab groans.

"More like square.."

Olivia and Bradley approach us.

"We have a crisis--" Olivia tries to report.

"Nope, we have a square," Peyton nods.

"So what do we do..?" Bradley asks.

"We don't want hurt each other, so we have to..choose between each other," I advise.

"Spoke by a true Lucas," Sab compliments.

I smile at Sab.

"You smiled at her, so you have to smile at me," Olivia says, tugging on my shirt collar.

I forcefully smile at her.

"You only smiled at her, because she asked you too," Bradley pointed out.

"He just doesn't want hurt anyone," Sab defends me.

"Well it's my decision too," Bradley reminds.

"Oh right," I scoff.

*Amir's POV*

Things are getting heated with peybrabrina...the square.

"Ooh, peybrina's getting heated," I chime in.

Olivia tugs on my shirt collar. "You got us this mess, you're gonna get us out.."

"It's all in your hands now," I Say, taking Olivia's hands off my collar.

"I know you're gonna make the right choice," I whisper to Peyton, patting his back.

I gotta tell Cowan, MJ, and AK about this!

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