Chapter 8

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*Next day on set*

The square was all broken up, Sabrina was at the bay window with Rowan, Bradley had another interview with Seventeen, Olivia was with MJ discussing season 4.

"And Peyton is right here," Peyton sneaks up behind me.

"Did you hear all that..?" I shrug.

"You were basically announcing to the whole crew!" Peyton throws his hands up, presenting the crew. They giggle.

I really need to brush off on the talking... 

"You think?" Peyton giggles.


"Someone turn on the news, Bradley's interview is heating up with Seventeen!" A familiar voice squeals. Ceci..?

"Ceci?!" Peyton and I ask in shock.

"Yes, it's me. And no need to explain--all this, square. It's all on the news now!" She squeals.

"Bradley," Peyton huffs.

"Calm down, cowboy," I pat him on the back.

Ceci turns on the news on the flat screen TV.

--ON TV--

"So, Bradley, tell us. We've been hearing things about Peybrabiliva," the reporter squeals.

"Yup. I guess it's true what they say, rumors do spread like wildfire," Bradley chuckles.

"Ooh, quoting Sabrina, are we?" The reporter asks with fascination.

"Ya, but we also know that the world's takin' us by surprise," Bradley adds with a laugh.

"And Olivia!" The reporter awes.

"See it's a triangle--square," Bradley nervously chuckles.

"Ooh, tell us. Is Peyton involved..?" The reporter asks, tugging on her microphone.

He nods.

"Ooh, so...Peyton likes Sabrina..?" The reporter asks.

He nods.

"But you like Sabrina..?" The reporter asks confusingly.

He nods.

"And Peyton likes Olivia..?"

"Yes, and I like Olivia," Bradley snaps.

"Well, looks like we heard it now, folks! Celebrity square!" The reporter wraps up the interview.

Ceci turns off the TV.

Peyton looks like he was about to kill Bradley. "He quoted Sab!"

"It's ok, cowboy. He also quoted Blonde Riley," I pat his back.

He shrugs.

Looks like he really likes Sab more..

*Sabrina's POV*

Omg, what has Bradley done?! He's such a idiot. Just expose our square to the world, Bradley. Just great, here comes the biggest crowd of reporters yet...

"Sab, it's ok. You're gonna get through it," Row says, giving me a hug.

"Thanks, Rowboat," I say, hugging back.

"But why can't you tell the guys the truth..?" Row asks.


"I think things are already complicated enough," Row nods her head, looking back at the tv.

I look at the wall with my cast's pictures from Disneyland. Peyton and me.

Is it complicated enough..? Or is it not time yet..? I don't know anything anymore..

Row leaves the bay window with pursed lips. "Sab, you'll do the right thing."

Peyton and Amir barge in, with Row passing by.

Amir whispers something in Row's ear, leaving them to have a side conversation. While Peyton's still approaching me.

He looks like he just killed..omg, Bradley.

 I give him a forced smile. He slowly sits down next to me, taking my hand. "Sabrina, I've made my choice." He adjusts himself, facing me and looks me in the eyes. "It's you." He kisses me on the cheek and boldly walks away. He turns around slowly, giving me a small smile. I smile back.

What the heck just happened?!

"Peybrina happened," Row chimes in. "Looks like Corey owes you after all.."

"Of course he does," Amir agrees, giving Row a high five. "Peybrina's never a quitter."

Ugh, you two Peybrina shippers...

*Peyton's POV*

I have no idea what I just did... Omg, I just made this even more complicated! So much for saving the decision making till the song. Whatever, Bradley had this coming..

"Ooh, Peybrina," Amir and Cowan cheer.

I walk into my dressing room, to think to myself, and the ship trio follows me..?! Great.

"How'd did you get here..?" I ask Corey.

"I'm a shadow. I can disappear in the light," Corey says with a laugh.

"Sound familiar..?" Amir gives me a smirk with a little giggle.

"Of course it is. He should know his GIRLFRIEND's songs," Ceci chimes in.

"Sabrina's not my girlfriend," I sigh. "..and how'd you get here?!" I yell.

"It doesn't matter," Ceci answers. "Cause all we have is love..for Peybrina!"

I roll my eyes, looking at myself in the mirror.

"We saw what happened, Peyton," Ceci admits. "We saw..Peybrina come alive.."

"But you weren't even there!" I turn around and yell.

"Oh she didn't have to be," Amir answers.

"Amir, what'd you do?!" I answer, slowly getting up from my chair.

"I might've...recorded it and sent it to Ceci..?" Amir slowly chuckles with a shrug.


"And the rest of the cast..?" Amir adds.

"AMIR!" I yell.

"Don't worry, lover boy. I didn't send it to Olivia or.."

"," Amir says, walking backwards. "Never.."

"Phew, thank god," I sigh.

"Yah, Pey. Amir wouldn't be that evil," Ceci giggles.


"Well you're just saying that because of...," Row starts. "Amerci," Cowan choruses.

I guess Amir really is the ladies' man...

*Bradley's POV* I didn't do the right thing, bringing the public's attention to this square. But it was coming sooner or later... I'm just counting the seconds before this drama gets over...

I walk out of the interview room and hear a buzz from my phone. I get it out of my pocket, looking at the recent text from Amir.

Amir: r u sure u wanna do that?

Me: what do u mean?

Amir: Peybrina's endgame.

What the heck?! It's been like...a few days--or something, and Peyton's already making moves..? What is wrong with that child?!

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