Chapter 10

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Omg. Have I been living under a rock all these years?!

Me: so uve known Olivia since 2nd grade, & u never told me?!

Sabrina: Ya..

Me: so what ur telling me is that..Olivia got her hart broken & ur trying to prevent that from ever happening ever again?!

Sabrina: pretty much...

Me: wait so ur not taking after Maya..?

Sabrina: Maya's only a character, don't be silly, rowboat

Me: ok just wondering

Sabrina: kk

Me: but do u rlly think its worth it?

Sabrina: yes she can never have her hartbroken ever again

Me: but do it for peybrina...

Sabrina: peybrina's dead

Me: whatever u say

I screenshot the convo & send it to the Cowan + Peyton group chat.

Corey/Peyton: OMG


Corey: she is being a good friend..

Peyton: breaking Olivia's hart is the last thing I wanna do..

Rowan: we all know by now, Lucas

Peyton: what r we gonna do?

Corey: well u sing ur love song & watch what happens.

Me: trust us peyton, we are like the ship masters..

Corey: next to Amir

Peyton: u call it whatever u want. just remember im taking ur word for it 

Corey/Rowan: dont worry peybrina will get its happy ending 

Peyton: I hope u 2 r right

Poor Peyton, stressing...

*Peyton's POV*

This is getting so frustrating..why can't Sabrina see that peybrina is meant to be..?



Sabrina: Ive thought ab it & I think its best if we just stay friends

Omg, she is taking after Maya...

Me: it doesn't hv to be this way

Sabrina: I'm sorry Peyton but I cant get Olivia hurt

Me: but what ab u?

Sabrina: its not ab me

Me: this is ab u & me, & Bradley & Olivia

Sabrina: not anymore, she's all urs

Me: Sabrina...

My life...

*Sabrina's POV*

You're doing this for your best friend, Sabrina. Let Peyton go...I just can't. It's Peyton Meyer, the love of my life.. Maya really has rubbed off of me.

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