At the Hospital

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I realized my family - including Lincoln - were waiting desperately behind me. Mrs. Trina and Andy were sitting beside them, too, holding back tears.

I came over all of them. "Hey guys..." I said.

"Oh... we're so glad you're safe!" Dad said. "We're so worried."

"Screw that twins. They have crushed Lynn! I wanna kill them right now!!" Lola yelled.

"No, no,... let's just ignore 'em. They have learned their lessons." I said. "What time is it?"

"You've slept for 12 hours, Luna! It's 9 a.m." Lincoln said, wasn't angry at all.

"Lincoln? How did you come back?" I asked.

"I... actually,..." But before he could explain, a female doctor came to us.. "How is it, doctor?" Mom asked.

"You're very lucky. Her head didn't suffer any amnesia, she's just having a head and arm bleeding, and a sprained ankle, but the rest of it are fine." The doctor explained. It was Lynn she was talking about.

"Oh.. doc... how about my Sam?" Mrs. Trina said.

"She... she almost ran out of oxygen after her  throat work was disturbed. She's fine, though. At least a week out of the hospital."

"Oh... Sam... I'm glad she's all okay..." Mrs. Trina kept sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Trina. It's all my fault Sam got in hospital. I should've never done that." I said.

"Why do you have to sorry, kid? You didn't do anything. You're innocent." Mrs. Trina said, smiling.

"How did Sam get into the trouble, anyway?" Lucy asked.

"I... uh... I'll tell you..." I stuttered.

I couldn't tell them. They would expel me from my house. I was scared if my parents were disappointed on me, because I was a lesbian.

Then the doctor told to us Loud family. "She's awake, you can visit her."

"Oh gosh, finally!" Dad said, relieved.

We entered the room filled with red wallpaper, fitting perfectly with Lynn. On the bed, she moaned and saw us come. Her head and left arm were wrapped with bandage, and she wore a cast on her right leg.

"Hey guys..." She said pretty slowly.

"LYNN!!" All of us circled around her. Then we hugged her. "Whoa, take it easy there, I'm still recovering." Lynn smiled.

"You're okay, dear? Can you stay strong?" Dad asked to his junior.

"I'm the star, Dad. I can survive this. Just a little injury." Lynn smirked.

"Lynn!" Lincoln came to our group lastly.

"Lincoln!" Both of them hugged as Lincoln bowed down to her.

"I'm sorry... about how I hurt you that night." Lincoln said.

"No, bro. I'm the one who should be sorry. We shouldn't be too meddling into your life. We should respect your own opinion." Lynn said.

"Yeah, we're being total jerks." Lori said.

"Lynn, I thought you're--" I started speaking.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm fine. Nothing to be worry about." Lynn smiled. "Lincoln, why won't you tell us why did you show up with Ronnie Anne?"

"It's a... painful story... I mean mentally. Well,after I moved to Paige's house, while I walked to my room - in the basement - I accidentally poked at a desk, then something was broken on the floor. I looked at it, and it was Paige's trophy she has won really hard at the arcade for winning 100,000 tickets. And yeah, she got real mad. She said it was her lifetime hard work. She hit me with books, and kicking my legs, and just beat me up. She was even more aggressive then Lynn or Ronnie Anne."

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