Chapter 47- Adore You

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Jun's POV

  Today is my wedding day. Everyone I care a out is here. Much to my surprise Hoshi came, and The8 came as well. Hannah, Destiny, Danielle, and Sydney called the night before. They apologized because they weren't coming. I wish that Cindy, Sandy, and Riley could be here. Some of us are still trying to move on. Dino still has it incredibly hard. Sandy death would have destroyed him, if it weren't for the baby on the way. I hope nothing happens to the baby, because if it does then it will kill Dino. Dino is extremely sensitive right now, just the smallest thing could destroy him at this point. We are all trying to be patient with him, but he may never get better. Dino loved Sandy more than life it's self, just like how Vernon loved Riley. Luckily Vernon began talking to Marcy again and was able to love again. He was able to see that life is worth living. I just hope that happens to Dino. We want him happy. Things were better when he was happy. Nora and Joshua are starting over. They have decided to take things slow. Which I'm glad for that. I was afraid Nora would break Joshua's heart, but thankfully they worked things out. Luckily Nora and Seungkwan can be around one another again. They have agreed to put their differences aside for Monica and for Joshua. I honestly think of thinking of these things to help me keep my nerves under control. I have never been so nervous​ in my entire life. I love Nancy more than just about anyone. We have been through so much together. I know that other couples have been through more, like Shay and Woozi or Jeonghan and S.Coups or Wonwoo and Mingyu all of them have over come problems greater than ours. I honestly can't say that Nancy has had a miscarriage, or mine or her parents don't approve, or that we broke up for a short time, but we have had fights, we have lost our way a couple of times. But no matter how bad things got we came back together. I'm about to marry the love of my life and I couldn't be happier. I slowly make my way out to the alter and as I do I take a look around. I see my friends and my family. All I can do is smile. Our friend group have been through so much, but in the end most of us are still together. We may not be as close as we used to be, but that's ok. As long as we keep in touch. That's what matters. I am now standing at the alter waiting for my love. I suddenly hear the music play and I begin to smile. As she walks down the aisle my smile gets wider and wider, by the time she gets to me I'm a blushing mess.

(Skip to the vows)

"I Jun take you Nancy to be my friend, my lover, my wife, my soulmate, and everything in between. I will love you no matter what, because the love we share lasts a lifetime. You know that, I know that, and I will die a happy man knowing that. A lifetime is not long and neither is forever, they are both just really good starts. I love you and I'm ready for our lives together to start, no matter the amount of time we have. I just want to be with you.

" I Nancy take you Jun to be my friend, my love, my husband, my soulmate, my life, and everything else from heaven to hell. I promise to love you for as long as possible. Before you I never really believed in love, I always thought I was better off alone. I just hadn't found the right person yet. You are my everything that I treasure in the world, I promise to always treasure​ you. I will never take you for granted, and I will always remind myself of how lucky I am to have you."

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." And when I did the kiss was sweet and slow. It was perfect and all of a sudden I heard a loud bang. We quickly pulled away and turned our attention to the noise.

"WHERES MY GAY SON AT!?" The man shouted and Hoshi attempted to run but a boy caught him by the throat and brought him to the angry man. The man then began to beat Hoshi something awful. He then grabbed Hoshi's​ throat. "ANY LAST WORDS FAGGOT!?" He scream and started squeezing Hoshi's throat. Then The8 came in and hit the man in the head with nunchucks. The people started to back away, but the man turned his attention to The8. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" The man screamed.

"I'm his....Friend." The8 said. "If you know what's best for you, you will leave and never bother Soonyoung again. If you doing you won't walk away like you will this time." The man got up and began walking away. When The8 turned his back the man turned back around he was about to hit The8 until Hoshi pushed him out of the way. Hoshi took a hit to the nose. Suddenly The8 got up and nunchucked the man right in the face. The group of people and the man left quickly.

The8's POV

I rushed to Hoshi.

"Are you ok?" I whispered.

"Yeah, thanks to you." He said with a smile.

"Why did you take the hit for me?" I asked.

"Because I couldn't let him hurt you." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because I love you, Minghao." He said and then he passed out from the pain. I began to smile to myself as I rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital.

"Why are you smiling kid?" One of the paramedics asked.

"Because he loves me." I said and I kissed his forehead.

Hey guys! I hope you like the story! Leave a comment to let me know how I am doing!Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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