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That was the only thing Yugyeom could feel as he looked himself up and down the mirror. He never should have agreed to go to Jackson's party. If he had just said no, he wouldn't have had to dress himself up. He could have just enjoyed his time alone, watching a movie or something. But of course, he hadn't been able to refuse.

He hated his outfit. BamBam had insisted that he look amazing to impress any potential boyfriends, but all Yugyeom felt was uncomfortable and sweaty. His pants were way too tight and his shirt was way too see through. The leather of his pants allowed no passage for air and his mesh shirt was nearly too itchy to bear. Despite this, Yugyeom sucked in his complaints and walked out of his room.

"Damn, Gyeommie! I told you you'd look good in those pants," BamBam remarked. Yugyeom just rolled his eyes and grumpily made his way towards his friends.

"These pants might as well squeeze my balls off," Yugyeom huffed.

"It wouldn't be a big deal, though, would it? You don't use them much, taking it up the ass all the time." BamBam smirked as Yugyeom glared at him, not in the mood for his sassy comments. He grabbed a small item off the table and tossed it at Yugyeom. "Try this on, will you?"

"First of all, bottoming doesn't mean I don't need my dick. Secondly, fuck you." Yugyeom mindlessly put on the choker as he argued with BamBam. He had to admit that the choker did add to his look, but he didn't want to admit it to his friend.

"Been there, done that. Would you hand me my belt?" BamBam retorted nonchalantly. Yugyeom just about whipped the belt at him, annoyance clear in his actions. "Ooh, kinky."

"You are seriously too much. I don't understand why I put up with you." BamBam prepared a comeback, but Yugyeom's tone softened as he continued, "I shouldn't have let you convince me to go to this damn party. You keep telling me that I'll meet nice people, but they're always too busy judging me to talk. I suppose if they have nothing nice to say, then they shouldn't say anything at all."

"That's not true." A frown made it's way onto BamBam's lips, genuinely upset that Yugyeom seemed to be feeling down. "No one has ever said anything but nice things about you. Everyone loves you."

"Sure." Yugyeom didn't believe that a single bit; however, he kept his mouth shut and finished getting ready.

Once he finally entered the apartment, it was like all his breath was taken away from him. The amount of people crammed into the space was borderline disgusting. Even though he knew everyone was preoccupied with their own pathetic lives, Yugyeom felt like everyone was looking at him. It seemed like everyone's eyes were staring holes through him, reading him like a simple children's book.

"Wow, Bam. You actually got Yugyeom here," Jackson greeted. He gave Yugyeom a solid pat on the back, nearly knocking him to the ground.

"Trust me, I really don't want to be here," Yugyeom mumbled. Jackson just smiled and dragged him across the house.

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't have a good time. Get a head start while you can." Jackson handed Yugyeom a drink, which the latter took without hesitation.

"I hate parties, but they're the one place where it's acceptable to get completely wasted." Yugyeom took a big swing of his beer, well aware he'd drink way too much that night.

"Looks like someone's trying to drink away his problems," Jackson teased.

"You know it." Yugyeom held his drink up, ready to take another swig, when he made eye contact with the worst person possible.

Jeon Jungkook, questionably one of the most intimidating people to Yugyeom. It wasn't that Jungkook was actually scary—it was really the opposite. Yugyeom always thought Jungkook seemed like a nice guy; Jungkook just happened to be extremely attractive.

Under Jungkook's stare, Yugyeom felt inferior. Jungkook was basically the standard of beauty at their college, so it was only natural that he felt like he was being judged. He didn't actually know Jungkook at all, so it was kind of wrong if Yugyeom to assume he was being self absorbed and Yugyeom was aware of his thoughts. Still, the pair of mysterious eyes boring into him had him on edge.

"You have your eyes on someone?" Jackson teased, following Yugyeom's gaze.

"Who doesn't have their eyes on him?" Yugyeom spoke honestly.

"Fair point. But I totally think you could pull it off. You and Jungkook would be, like, the cutest couple ever." Jackson nudged Yugyeom, his way of suggesting Yugyeom to go to Jungkook.

"Yeah, right." Yugyeom scoffed, annoyed at how hopeful Jackson looked. "Shouldn't you be hosting or something? This is your house and your party."

"What a subtle way of trying to get rid of me." Jackson looked offended, but he eventually walked away, undoubtedly wandering his way back to Mark.

Yugyeom quickly finished his drink, moving onto his second and soon after his third. Since he wasn't socialising, he didn't have anything else to do. Getting drunk meant getting loose, opening up. Maybe that would result in something good for Yugyeom, considering how nothing seemed to go right when he was just his plain self. Maybe things would end terribly—who knew?

Yugyeom sure as hell didn't.


Word Count: 908.

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