6 (Tom trusts me now..and falling for Tom?)

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I started singing Stressed out.

6 (Trusts)

Mia's POV

I was still crying in my room, then I heard a knock and I said "w-who is i-it?" "It's me...." I heard Tom's voice.
"I'm g-guessing Tom?" I said "yup....I'm coming in" Tom said and walked in.

My Black covers was over my head, "um...a-are you...o-ok?" Tom asked "What does it look like?" I said as I sat up so Tom can see my face, I felt tears rolling down my face.

Tom's POV

"Um...a-are you...o-ok?" I asked "what does it look like?" Mia said as she sat up and I saw tears rolling down her face.
I lean towards her and wipe her tears away, Mia's grey eyes widen in surprise that I wiped her tears away.
"D-don't cry...please M-Mia" I said looking down, Mia then hugged her legs to her chest.

I bite my lip and said "um...do y-you want t-to talk a-about it?" Mia just put her legs down and looked at me. Mia just looked at me, I felt awkward for some reason and then I hugged her.

Backkk to Mia's POV

Tom hugged me I think it's because he wanted to make me fell better, so I hugged him back. I felt my face warm up 'what the heck?! Am I-i b-blushing!? Why am I blushing if I barely know the guy!' I thought to myself. I then pulled away from the hug and pulled my hood over my head so I can hide the blush.

"Are you better n-now?" Tom asked rubbing the back of his neck "um...m-maybe" I said looking down while blushing bright red.
Tom stand up and walked to the door "if you need me I'll be in my room" he said I nodded then he walked out closing the door.
I flopped down and I touched me face it was really warm and I walked to the mirror my face was really red.

'Why...just why do I feel this way?...' I thought and then looked out the window it was raining out.
I walked to my bed and pulled the covers over me.

I closed me eyes and fell fast asleep.

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