Chapter 1: The Escape

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My name is Death. Just Death. At least, that's what the scientists decided to call me. Long ago there was a little girl named Sara. She died. Now it's Death. Just Death.

I suppose you want to hear my story. Of course you do. I don't even know where to start. Maybe I'll start at the beginning- twenty years ago, when a little baby girl was born. Or maybe I'll start the day my parents left that baby girl alone in this world. No, I think I'll start the day my life began. The day I escaped.

Sirens blasted and lights flashed. I ran like my life depended on it- and in a way, it did. Living in that prison wasn't really living at all. At the same time, I knew that they couldn't do anything to hurt me. Not really, anyways. You see, I cannot die. I am immortal. Cool? I think not. Imagine knowing that one day everyone and everything you've ever known will be gone. Not fun.

I ran through the hallways of the lab, heart pounding loudly in my ears. As I turned the corner, I nearly ran into one of the scientists that worked on me. He raised his hands in surrender.

"Now Death," he began, "Let's think this through-"

I pushed past him and ran out the door.

"DEATH!" He yelled, but I kept on running. I hadn't ever run as fast as I did then. The sun of the outside world blinded me, but I kept on running. I hadn't seen the sun in thirteen years. I had forgotten the feeling of it's warmth, and now wasn't the time to appreciate it. I ran out into the street. A large object screeched to a halt before me. A car.

I spun around on my heels and ran the other way. I must've been a sight, in my torn black clothing that was several months old.

"Hey girl, get out of the street!" The woman driving the car yelled. I didn't pay her any attention. Armed guards were coming after me now. One of them fired at me and I winced as the bullet flew right through me.

The woman in the car screamed and I ran away from her. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. I ducked into an alleyway and hid behind a trash can. Footsteps ran past me and I let out a breath of relief. Somewhere in the distance sirens still blasted so I stood up and kept on running away.

A loud popping noise scared me so badly I toppled into another set of garbage cans. As I scrambled to my feet, I heard a voice yell.

"Over here!"

They found me.

A door opened up and I saw the face of an old man.

"In here." He whispered and beckoned me into his shop. He shut the door behind me.

"Thank you! I'm so sorry I-"

"Nonsense child." He brushed off my thanks. He took my hands in his and looked into my eyes.

"Good." He said,"Your soul is good. True."

I looked away. So that's why he saved me.

"You're wrong."

He smiled at me.

"We'll see."

He went about making a pot of soup.


"Shh" he cut me off, "No more apology. Is good."

I nodded my head. He reached into a trunk and pulled out some clothes.

"My granddaughters." He explained and I took the clothes gratefully. I felt the fabric between my fingers. It was the softest thing I'd felt in years.

"Thank you." I told him sincerely. He cracked a smile.

"Call me Joe. It is my American name."

"Thank you Mister Joe."

He shook his head.

"Now go!" He said and shooed me upstairs. I walked into the hallway and opened up a door. Nope. Bedroom. I opened up another door. Bingo. The bathroom was small with a little shower in one corner and a toilet and sink in the other. Over the sink hung a small rusty mirror. I gazed into the mirror and looked at my reflection for the first time in years.

My face was dirty and pale. My brown eyes looked haunted and my hair fell down my back in tangles. First I cut my hair with a pair of sizzles I saw on the shelf above the toilet. Then I combed through it with a brush. My black hair now fell straight down just past my shoulders. I braided it and washed my face. I looked longingly at the shower. He wouldn't mind... I turned on the water and listened. No footsteps. It must be okay.

After I showered I got into the new pair of clothes feeling like a new person. I wore a gray t-shirt and jeans. I threw on the blue hoodie and headed down the stairs. Halfway down I froze. Neusa overcame me and I blacked out.

This happened every time I sensed the possible death of someone near me. The face of the next victim came into my mind.


I struggled to my feet and down the stairs.

"Mister Joe!" I yelled.

No response.

"MISTER JOE!" I screamed.

He came around the corner. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have to go!"

"But the soup-"

"Bye!" I called as I ran outside.

"There she is!" Someone called, "Freeze!"

I kept on running. Somewhere a gun fired.

"No!" I painted and turned around to see Joe. He had came after me with the soup. He looked down at the bowl and back at me.

"Mister Joe!"

The bullet had headed straight for him, narrowly missing him. I grabbed his free hand and pulled him around the corner.

"What is happening?!"

"I'm so sorry Mister Joe. I have to go now. Hide here until the coast is clear."


"I-I have to go."

"Take the soup." He pushed the bowl into my hands. I nodded.

"Bye." I whispered.

"Goodbye Death."

I looked at him shocked.

"How did you-"

"Go." He said. "I will buy time."


"GO!" He yelled.

Tears fell from my eyes as I turned and ran away. I ran and hid in a coffee shop. Guards passed. When they left I went back outside and looked for Joe. I found him laying in the street, surrounded by a pool of blood. I dropped the bowl and it lay shattered by my feet.

"Mister Joe!"

"D-Death. I knew we would meet one day."

"No! I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I-it's all my fault!"

"No. You are young. Good. I am old. It is my time."

"Don't say that Mister Joe!" I cried.

"What is it like... beyond?"

"It's beautiful." I told him and I knelt by his side and cradled his head.

"There are trees and lakes and animals..."

"And... soup?"

"And soup."

He smiled one last time.

"Ah yes. That is nice. That is nice..."

I looked at the broken bowl. My heart shattered along with it.

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