I'm 110% sure I'm going to jail tonight

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My lungs burn and my feet ache, but I dont show any signs of slowing down. I can't,

He's right behind me.

The rain is so cold I can see my breath. I make a hard turn in this maze of alleyways that surround this beautiful downtown of New Tokyo.

A fire escape an old dumpster a pile of trash. Anything to get away from him. I look around frantically for my savior but there was nothing. The alleyway was surprisingly clean for this part of town.

"just my luck." I say out of breath.

The footsteps and yelling was getting louder. I take off into another alley, then another then another. He called more of his friends for backup now I'm being chased by three or four people. I finally find a fire escape and go to the roof with him hot on my tail.

We jump from building to building in a high speed foot chase. I stop at the end of the roof and look down. It's a long drop but I've fallen from worse. I look back to see him running to me with fear in his eyes. I close my eyes and jump landing in a summersault on the ground. I get up and see my escape, I break into a sprint to the alleys exit only to be stopped by three or four cop cars. My shoulders slump in defeat and I put my hands up. I feel a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Bot fighting again? Really Danny?" Officer Hick says out of breath. "I honestly thought you wouldn't make that jump, you put on a good chase though I gotta give you that."

"Only the best for the best Officer Hick" I say.

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