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I sat in the chair of the interrogation room swinging my legs back and forth. Waiting for the man ahead of me to speak the words that seal my fate.

"Look Danny I know it's been tough." He starts. "But committing crimes is going to get you nowhere."

I think for a moment. "It's has gotten me to be New Tokyo's top bot fighter."

"And arrested one hundred and seventeen times in counting this year. I can't save you forever ten. You of all people know that."

"it also has given me money so i can buy food and clothing and parts and everything else i need."

"buying parts off of the black market is once again illegal, and my best bet is your using them to make illegal weapons and bots to sell them illegally on the black market."

"Boy your persistent this evening officer hick."

"Because this night i think i might be able to actually help you."

"Do tell."

"Do you know the youth group down at the juvenile hall?"

"Where all the terrible horrible no good very bad kids go to talk about there feelings and all that crap?"

He rolls his eyes. "Yes that one i want you to go there tomorrow and participate with the group. Maybe Talking about all your problems will help you get over some of you past and help you become a better person!"

"First off i think ill pass having circle time with a bunch of crybabies. Second I'm getting very tired and would like to go home, so could you give me another warning and ill see you tomorrow?"

"Danny Julia Tenn you listen to me and you listen well because i will not be repeating myself. You WILL be going to that group and you WILL get better and if i dont see you there at 10:00am sharp I will have to choice but to send you to the judge and with your record! You will have to get used to looking through bars."

I look at him for a moment. Was he really going to send me to the judge?

"Do you have a choice?" The look in his eyes tell me that he's desperate. His posture is faltering to. This man looks like he really wants to help me.

"Ten, i really don't want to do this to you. Please don't make me." I look at my hands for a minute.

"Fine, see you at 10:00 officer Hick."

After i was let out I decided to go home. Home being one of the abandoned units in the public storage area. But i had the key so it wasn't all dangerous. I had a tool wall, posters a fridge a wardrobe a fold out couch a desk even a lamp that i hung from some hooks I drilled into the ceiling. It had alot of room and i hooked all the power in by myself.

I fold out the couch and get ready for bed.

I had a long day tomorrow.

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