The pleasing submissive

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This story is from my own creation any character likeness is completely by coincidence. If you wish to use any of my characters please pm me. And please do not copy my story. Thank you.


Some of the chapters may be private to read them you need to follow me. Thank you.

June 6, 2014

My friends and I, along with the rest of our class, toss our graduation caps into the air yelling and screaming with delight.

"I can't believe we're high school graduates!" My best friend since kindergarten, Elizabeth, says excitedly. I nod with a smile on my face along with Laura.

"We are going to a club to celebrate." Laura says with a devious smile. I immediately start shaking my head in a no gesture.

"Lily come on. You have to come especially since you just turned 18 a few days ago. You never could come before at least once? Please. Before we all have to go our separate ways for college." Laura begs with puppy dog eyes. After several minutes I give.

"Fine." I says regretfully. They both scream in delight as we reach Laura's car.

"So we'll go to my house change and get ready then head to the club. Alright?" She says starting the car and heading to her house.

Several hours later

I look in the mirror in disbelief. Laura and Elizabeth had decided they were going to do my hair and makeup for me and even chose my dress. My hair was in curls all they way to my waist and they looked messy but sexy. My makeup was a smoky eye along with red lipstick as for my dress it's a black bandage dress... "This is too short." I tell them. "You'll be fine." Laura responds looking in the mirror at her outfit. "All right time to head." She says with a smile and they both drag me to the car. We arrive at the club, much too soon for me. Elizabeth and Laura ignore the line and walk straight up to the security guard he immediately let's us through.

"What was that about?" I ask them. "We have our names on the list." They say and drag me onto the dance floor. We dance for a few hours and I have to admit I was having a lot of fun.

"Hey, I'm going to the restroom." I tell them, they nod and continue to dance. I start heading towards the way I think leads to the restroom, but run into something hard. I look up into bright green eyes.

"I am extremely sorry." I start apologizing to the guy, but he holds up a hand.

"Stop." he says in a strong and deep voice. I immediately become silent, I then decide that I should start looking at him. He's about 6'5 which towers over my 5'2 frame even with my heels,which make me 5'6, he towers over me. He has a strong and lean body, but he looks older than me. I look up at his face and his green eyes are looking directly at me. I flush and look down.

"I really am sorry..."

"Damien." I look up at him confused.

"My name's Damien. Now what are you doing here alone?" he says with a smirk. I flush again as he continues to stare at me.

"Um well I'm here with my friends, but I was trying to find the restroom." I tell him looking down at my feet. I feel his index finger under my chin, and he pulls my face up so that I'm looking at him.

"Well then come along." He says placing my hand in the crook of his elbow as he starts leading me somewhere. He stops making me look up. I see the women's restroom sign and flush.

"Thank you." I say and rush into the restroom before I embarrass myself. I do my business and wash my hands then look in the mirror to check my hair and makeup. I walk out of the restroom intent on finding Laura and Elizabeth, but am stopped by Damien.

"You know I still don't know your name." He says with a smirk. I stand there in shock that he waited for me.

"Lily." I tell him with a slight blush.

"Well Lily why don't you come and sit with me for a while." he ask although it sounds more like a demand. I shyly walk up beside him and cautiously slip my hand into the crook of his elbow. He leads me to a semi private table.

The pleasing submissiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant