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"Who was that?!" Laura practically yells as we start walking to the car. I wince at the volume of her voice and deliberately ignore her. We finally reach the car and we all get in before they turn around and stare at me.
"I tell you when we get home." I tell them both feeling exhausted. They both glare at me before sighing and facing the front.
"Fine. You better or you're going to regret it." Elizabeth says starting the car. We sit in the car in silence until we pull up to Elizabeth's house. We all step out of the car and walk inside. Once inside they turn to me, but I shake my head and start walking upstairs to Elizabeth's room. Once in her room I sit down and pull my legs up to my chest. They both walk in and sit down staring at me expectantly.
"Well? Who is he?" Laura ask breaking he silence. I sigh and look down at my perfectly painted toes.
"He's someone I met at the club." I tell them hesitantly. They look at each other and squeal. I look at them confused.
"I knew we should've taken you there. I just knew you would meet someone! So when are you two meeting again?" Laura ask excitedly. I look at her with disbelief.
"Wait, is that the reason you two took me to the club in the first place?!" I ask them angrily. The look at me before nodding.
"Yes, we did, and don't get mad at us. If we hadn't you would have never met that guy. So again when are you meeting him next?" Laura says calmly. I look back down at my feet.
"Well he doesn't live around here and he has to go home tomorrow..." I start telling them before Elizabeth interrupts me.
"Oh that sucks. Oh well we can take you again tomorrow and you can find another guy." I glare at her slightly before continuing what I was saying.
"But we have agreed to talk to each other everyday by phone, and I kind of accepted being his submissive." I finish my sentence. They look at me before laughing.
"That's a nice prank Lily. Now tell us the truth." Laura says finally calming down.
"I am telling the truth. I agreed to be his submissive." I tell them seriously. They both immediately sober up.
"Lily do you know what you got yourself into!" Elizabeth shouts at me.
"Yes I do. Why do you think I was gone for so long. We were talking about it and he was telling me what would happen and everything." I tell them.
"You don't even know him! You have to be able to trust the person being your dominant before you become their submissive!" Elizabeth tells me.
"I do trust him. Plus I will get to know him even better with time. He said I don't have to do something I don't feel comfortable with until I'm ready." I tell her tears pricking at my eyes from frustration. Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I quickly pull it out of my purse and answer it.
"Hello?" I say because I forgot to check the caller ID.
"Hello kitten. Why do you sound as though you are crying?" Damien's concerned voice sounds through the phone.
"No reason." I tell him wiping the tears from my face before suddenly Laura is on top of me grabbing my phone from me and placing it on speaker.
"You're lying. So why are you crying?" He ask again, but this time Laura answers.
"Who the hell is this?" she ask angrily.
"Well this is Damien. Now may I speak with Lily?" he ask tensely. Laura scoffs before replying.
"Yeah I put you on speaker. So she can hear you. So talk away."
"Laura give me my phone back!" I exclaim jumping towards her and wrestling for my phone. After several moments I finally have my phone back and quickly lock myself into the bathroom.
"I'm really sorry about that." I tell him after taking him off speaker.
"It's fine. Now why were you crying when I first called?" he ask me. I hesitate before answering.
"Because I was feeling frustrated with my friends." I tell him reluctantly.
"Oh, and why were you frustrated with them?" he ask sounding curious.
"Because they didn't get how I could agree to being your submissive so quickly, and without knowing you." I tell him. He sighs through the phone.
"Some people will be like that. Now what were you planning on doing for the rest of the evening?" He ask me as I hear rustling sounds in the background.
"Well I was going to stay at Elizabeth's and we were going to reminisce and everything but I'm not so sure anymore." I tell him with a sigh.
"You three hang out and do what you were going to do, but I'm going to pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning." He tells me while I hear more rustling sounds.
"Okay. I'll text you the address." I tell him when Laura and Elizabeth start pounding on the door. He chuckles briefly from hearing the pounding.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He tells me before hanging up. I lock my phone before standing up and leaving the bathroom. Both of them are standing in front of me waiting for an explanation.
"What?" I ask them unsure of what explanation they want.
"What did he want?" Laura finally ask.
"He wanted to pick me up to spend more time together before he has to leave tomorrow night." I tell them walking over to my bag and pulling out an oversized shirt and stripping out of my dress and pulling the shirt on.
"So you're ditching us?" Elizabeth ask frowning. I shake my head.
"No. He said he would come pick me up tomorrow so that we can hang out." I tell her folding the dress and placing it in my bag. She nods her head before heading to her closet. She starts to rifle through her clothes before walking out with an outfit.
"You have to wear this then." She tells me handing the outfit to me. I roll my eyes and sigh.
"Fine. Can we go to bed now? I'm exhausted." I tell them flopping onto the bed and quickly falling asleep.

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