The little girl

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Damien's POV
I was walking back to my table when I feel something small run into me. I look down and see a young girl with black, messy, and curly hair all the way to her hips. Her head stops around my shoulders and that's with her heels. She looks up at me with bright blue eyes as her pale white skin flushed slightly in embarrassment. She looks so tiny, I could probably wrap my hands around her waist and my fingers would overlap. I probably could wrap one hand around her throat without a problem, I think to myself as a smirk forms on my mouth. Her dress clings to her body showing off her delicious curves and my cock becomes hard as I think of fucking her tight, young, and little body. Her mouth opens and she starts apologizing for running into me.
"I am extremely sorry." She tells me and I can see that she would continue apologizing.
"Stop." I tell her in my dominant voice unintentionally. She flushed and looks down. I continue to admire her body and stop at her breast. They look the perfect size for her petite body. I notice her look up and shyly look my body up and down.
"I really am sorry..." She starts again.
"Damien." She looks up at me confused.
"My name's Damien. Now what are you doing here alone?" I ask with a smirk. She flushes again as I continue to stare at her.
"Um well I'm here with my friends, but I was trying to find the restroom." She tells me looking down at her feet. I slip my index finger under her chin and tilt her face up to look at me.
"Well then come along." I tell her while placing her hand in the crook of my elbow as I start leading her towards the restroom. I stop making her look up. She sees the women's restroom sign and blushes.
"Thank you." She says and rushes into the restroom. She walks out of the restroom, but stops when she sees me.
"You know I still don't know your name." I tell her with a smirk. She stands there in shock.
"Lily." She tells me with a slight blush.
"Well Lily why don't you come and sit with me for a while." I tell her. She shyly walks up beside me and cautiously slips her hand into the crook of my elbow. I lead her to my semi private table. We reach my table, and I gently pull her down to sit beside me. A waitress comes to take our drink order.
"Get me a bourbon." I tell her looking towards Lily. She shakes her head.
"I'm fine thank you." She says messing with her hands. The waitress leaves, and I relax against the couch.
"So Lily tell me about yourself." I tell her as I place my hand on her shoulder. She continues to look down at her hands, and soon the waitress brings my drink to me.
"Are you going to tell me anything about yourself." I tell her becoming a little impatient.
"Um well could we go back and forth like twenty questions?" she ask shyly. I sigh quietly at her.
"Fine, I'll go first. Why are you here?"
"Oh um well my friends and I came to celebrate graduating from school. Um do you live nearby?" she asked me without really thinking, if her expression was anything to go by.
"Actually no I'm here on business. I live in New York. How old are you exactly?" I ask her.
"I turned 18 about a week ago. You live in New York how is it?" she ask me curiously as I think that I was right she is young, very young.
"It's a wonderful city if you love traffic and noise. Although there are days where it's peaceful. Why do you want to know about New York?" I ask her after I explain New York to her.
"Oh um I'm going to college there. Um how old are you?" she ask me after telling me she's going to college there. I come up with a plan but answer her question.
"I'm 28. Are you collared?" I ask her in order to put my plan in action. She looks at me in shock and confusion.
"You're 28 and what do you mean collared?" she ask me. I raise an eyebrow at her before swallowing the last of my drink and standing up.
"Come along little one." I tell her intent on showing her what I mean.

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