Chapter 3 - [Meeting: Part 3]

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[Chapter 3 - Meeting: Let's be friend!]

It is the morning after, Jihyo is busying making her signature blueberry waffles, while Mina is packing lunch boxes. The clock strikes 8:30 AM, Jihyo looks at Mina to signal her to go wake the boys up, they gotta fill their stomach before class. Mina nods, putting the lid on the last lunch box she has, then proceeds to head upstairs.

She stops at the room at the end of the hall, knocks five times in a coding pattern. Silent, she sighs, then opens the door.

"Hey you two, get up. Jihyo-chan is about to finish making breakfast, we need to eat and go to class after." She pokes her head out the door gap.

The two boys on the same bed, hugging each other, make some gibberish morning noises.

"Mina-chan... five more minutes please." Taehyung pleads, with his cute sleepy voice.

Meanwhile, Jimin is pretending to play dead. "Come on guys, ge...t," Mina stuns, when she tries to pull the blanket out of the boy's' body, they are shirtless.

She blushes, throws the blanket back on them, and tries to act cool. "Fine, I will tell Jihyo to stop cooking then," She frowns, "What a pity, Jihyo was about to make some sweets, I guess I can eat them all..." She adds, with a mischievous tone.

"Nope! I am up, going in shower right now!" Upon hearing the word 'sweets', Taehyung jerks himself up faster than the speed of light. "Jimin, get up now! Or we cannot eat Jihyo's baking!" Taehyung then grabs Jimin's arm and drags him out of bed.

"We will be downstair in 10 minutes." Taehyung says to Mina's direction and gives her a straight-face-salute.

Mina chuckles, "Okie, see you guys downstair" she smiles, then closes the door behind her.

---------Ten minutes later----------

"Itadaikimashu" Mina, Jihyo and Taehyung say in union.

Jimin looks at the trio and asks, "Why do you guys sometime use Japanese? Do you guys study Japanese or something? He reaches his mug toward Jihyo for coffee.

"Oh it because Mina-chan is Japanese," Jihyo calmly says, while pouring coffee in Jimin's mug.

"We are step-sister," Mina adds, after she notices the dumbfounded Jimin stares.

"Oh, I really thought you guys were really sister, you guys are so close," The pink haired boy states.

Both sister looks at each other and smile, "We are each other soulmate" they say, then starts to snicker.

Seeing the two, Jimin cannot help but smile, the girls are so genuine to each other.

"Tae-chan, stop gobble down the foods, you going to choke yourself." Mina leans toward Tae and hands him a cup of water, "And hydrate yourself, you never drink enough water nowadays." She adds. Taehyung gives her his special eye-smile, but at a quick second, his face are painted with a soft pink. Of course Jimin notices.


Jihyo's phone flashing green light, she swipes left to turn her phone on.

Kookie: Good Morning

GodJihyo: Ohaiyo

Kookie: How did you sleep?

GodJihyo: Good, good, you? Did you snore?(¬‿¬)

Kookie: Hey! I don't snore ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ

Kookie: Also, I want to have lunch with you today, are you free?

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