Chapter 8 - [Serendipity Part 2]

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Serenpidity: The heart knows what it wants

It finally came, the day where Jihyo will be able to meet her favorite author, the one person able to capture her whole imagination through words and passion. Suga. The excitement got to her badly, that she wasn't able to sleep for a couple days, but somehow, Jihyo still got all of the energy running through her. It been a few minutes she stood outside the convention building, she was waiting for Jungkook. Taehyung wasn't able to make it, he texted her the night prior to the event. She frowned of course, because neither Mina or Taehyung going to be with her today. A gust of wind whooshing by her, it was cold, Jihyo quickly wrapped herself tighter with her bubblegum pink jacket.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The familiar voice startled her, as she turned her head around, her eyes met Jungkook's. Their face was so close, it surprised her. Jihyo quickly pushed his face away from her, she did a fake cough to clear her throat.

"Yah! You are late!" She gave Jungkook the pouty face.

"Sorry, sorry. I have to take my dog out for a walk before I leave the house." The coffee colored hair lad said, he felt bad.

"Taehyung not able to make it, his mom needed him to take her to his great aunt's house today." Jihyo pursed her lips.

"Awwe, well that's too bad." Jungkook replied, but his inner brain were celebrating.

Both of them started to line up at the entrance, the convention was huge, there was line after line in front of the two. After almost two hours of waiting, they were finally get inside the building. Jihyo quickly grabbed one of the panel layout map near the entrance, she scanned and traced her finger around the paper, to find where they need to be headed.

"I never been in a convention before." Jungkook commented in awe, while taking glances around the building interior.

"Neither do I," Jihyo nodded her head, "So it says, to take a left ahead of us, the meeting should be on the second floor." She added, then pointing her finger ahead. '

Both of them slowly entered a large crowd, Jungkook keep himself as close to Jihyo as possible and made sure she wasn't going to get hurt. Meanwhile Jihyo is a petite girl, she kept getting pumped into and almost get knock down every single time a wave of body rushing toward her.

"Here, let's hold hand." Jungkook stuck his hand out to Jihyo. The ashy brown haired girl was shock at his action, her eyes widened, and that made Jungkook realized what he did and it made him blush a bit. "If.. if you want to, of course." he stuttered.

"No... it fine." a fainted rosy color painted over Jihyo's face, then she grabbed onto his hand.

Finally they were able to escape from the crowd, and quickly head to the second floor. They both knew that their hand are still link together, Jihyo couldn't turned around and look at him, she could feel that her the heat on her face.

"We're here," she averted her eyes away from Jungkook, and tried to take her hand away.

"I like this better," Jungkook tightened his grip on her hand, and made a cheeky smile at her. Then he gently pulled her along with him, they made their way to the designated area for the meet and greet. It still an hour before the event start, but the room was filled with admirers just like Jihyo, she was happy yet a bit sad that she wasn't the only one loving Suga. The girl was too shy to go up to talk to the others, so she is just sticking around Jungkook, who knows nothing about the author.

The boy noticed his companion fidgeted around him, he snickered. "If you want to go have a conversation with others, you should go and try." He gave Jihyo a nudge on her shoulder. "B-but I... I don't know what to say." She mumbled, hand still playing around with her ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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