Chapter 4 - [Butterflies: Part 1]

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It was a chilly Friday evening, Jihyo could feel a strong gust of wind blew against her rosy cheeks. She was on her way to her cooking club, it was the first official day, where she dreamed all members can meet and talk about future cooking events. The breeze got a bit stronger, caused the dainty girl's hair blow madly along the wind. Jihyo picked up her pace and tried to find the meeting room as fast as she can, she can't stand her hair being a hot mess. She arrived inside one of the building from the North campus, promptly dusted off the leaves off of her head and her clothes. The sound of chattering from nearby room caught Jihyo's attention, it came from her supposed-to-be club room. She made her move toward the room and knock. The door sharply slide open, "New comer??" a cute girl with silky black hair pops her head out, smiling brightly showing her front bunny teeth. Jihyo was taken back by the girl, she muttered "Is this cooking club?" The girl in front of Jihyo widened her eyes, and opened her smile even bigger, "YES! Come on in!" She bounced in excitement, then snatched Jihyo's hand and pulled her inside. "Welcome to our cooking club! My name is Im Nayeon, just call me Nayeon!" She stated, with her wavy hair bounced at her slightest movement.

"My name is Park Jihyo,"

Jihyo swiftly leered her eyes around the room, there was roughly around seven people.They all paid attention to her. Which made Jihyo feel a bit weird, she doesn't like being stare at. Then they started to greet her with a friendly smile.

"Hello Jihyo-shi"

"Alright this is Moguri, Hoseok-oppa, Namjoonie, Mingyu, Jeongyeonie, and Jeonghan-oppa." Nayeon quickly said everyone name, while pointing her finger at each one.

"Hi!" Jihyo waved her hand, and put on a polite smile.

"I'm so glad we actually got one newbie joined our club!" Hoseok, the boy with burned orange, sleek back hair style clapped his hands rapidly.

"Alright, the entire club is here, let sit down and welcome our new friend" Nayeon eagerly pushed Jihyo's shoulder to one of the open chair.

The meeting went on for about couple of hours. To be frank, Jihyo thought the members of the club were very 'unique', they were a group of chaos. However, contrast to their hyper manner, they are a group consisted of good looking people. Jihyo was pretty mesmerized. If she wasn't join this club, she probably thinks that they are a model club or something. The club decided that, next week they will throw a welcome party for their new member. Jihyo, of course was hype, she cannot wait to testing out her new baking recipes. Before ending the meeting, Jihyo club mates added her on the club LINE chat, so it easier for them to communicate with new people and to plan things together. Soon everyone left one by one, Jihyo stayed behind. She rested her head on the table, looked outside the window and just enjoyed the view in front of her. It was quiet, there wasn't much people on North Campus during this late evening hour. Even a slight noise could startle Jihyo, she could hear the leaves being blown by the wind outside and hitting on the glass window. Slowly, she closed her eyes and just listened to the sounds surrounded her, then there was knocking on the glasses. She blinked, and saw Jungkook waved his hand, mouthing 'open the window, please' to her. Surprised by the familiar face, she still moved closer to the window and reached her left arm out to switched off the lock, she slided the glass panel open.

"What are you doing here?" She tilted her head and asked, a couple of hair falling down on her face.

The light brown haired boy opened his smile, showing his bunny teeth, "I just finished my Judo club meeting, it likes 2 buildings from here" He pointed his thumb to his right.

"Heh~ I just ended my meeting too" She leaned a bit forward, resting her elbows on the side of the window, and cupped her face her both of her hands.

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