Orlando Part 2

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A/N This chapter will switch between a few points of views.

Lauren's P.O.V

We have only been in Orlando less then a week and I'm already missing home. I want nothing more then to sleep in my own bed and not get woken up by a 9 year old who constantly had way to much energy. I wanted to be supportive of Emily being a mum again but I was starting to lose my patients. She knows how quick I get tired since the operation but yet she still constantly drags me around all the theme parks and club gatherings we have attending over the past few days.

"Are you okay?" Ali asks as she sits down beside me. I'm currently sitting on the back patio enjoying my morning coffee and getting some much needed quiet time since Sophia, Ash, Alex, Emily and Luca have gone down to the local park for a run and a kick around.

"I'm not cut out for this" I say quietly not 100% sure Ali can even hear me.

"What? Being a pretty much step mum?" Ali questions. I turn and face her and can see for the first time that she is just as exhausted as I am.

"Emily deserves better of me I know, but I'm just so tired. I wanna go home" Ali and I have always been close, so I knew telling her all this would only stay strictly between us.

"Being an aunty ain't the easiest thing either" Ali laughs. "Look Lauren, maybe you guys should start taking things slower. You guys have been together just over 6 months and you guys have been through so much in this relationship already, you guys never really had the honeymoon period at all" Ali says everything firmly but sweetly, I'm guessing because she wants me to realise she being serious.

"What do you suggest?" I knew she was right. Emily and I are already hitting a rough patch because things that should effect a relationship till later on down the line are starting to happen now.

"Maybe you should go back home and Emily stay here. She can start playing again and you can finish off your recovery without the added pressure of being a new parent" As much as I didn't want to spend time away from Emily I knew Ali was right. I needed to finish my recovery before I could even think about helping out with Luca.

"Yeah your right" I say sinking into my chair.

We stay in a comfortable silence, until the others get home. They all come bounding through the door, every last one of them drenched in sweat. Steph Catley a team mate of the girls also bounding through the house.

"Hey babe" Emily smiles giving me a kiss. I pull away slightly knowing that it was now or never for this conversation to happen.

"Can we talk?" I whisper, looking her in the eyes so she knows its important.

Emily just nods and I watch as she takes a big gulp before leading me outside and away from the others.

"Whats wrong? Are you okay?" I can hear how scared she is in the tone of her voice, I know she thinks I'm about to break up with her.

"I want to go home babe, I'm home sick and I really need to focus on my recovery, I can feel myself starting to deteriorate already" I say calmly but make sure I stay strong and don't break down in tears like I want to.

"Okay I'll book us a flight back tonight" I hear Emily breath a sigh of relief.

"No babe, your staying. I need to do this on my own" Emily stares at me, pain in her eyes. I know every word I speak is breaking her heart, but I need to be honest.

"So your saying you want a break pretty much?" Emily's voice is empty, emotionless. I knew this was coming. Emily's way of protecting herself is by pretending she doesn't care.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I want us to still be together, I just need time"

"Thats a break Lauren" Emily states storming off inside.

Emily's P.O.V

I storm off inside and straight into my room slamming the door hard behind me. To say I was mad would be an understatement. Lauren had promised we were in this together but she just turned around and broke that promise. I hear voices raise in the lounge room and I recognise them both, Sophia and Lauren. I quickly jump off my bed and run into the room, ready to break up the fight.

"Sophia leave it alone!" I yell making her turn amd look at me. I don't even glance at Lauren, I'm to angry and hurt.

"Sorry" Sophia says excusing herself from the room, Luca and the girls in toe.

"I don't want us to break up, thats why I'm doing this, so I can focus on my recovery and we can be a family" I look at Lauren now searching her face to see if I see any hints that shes lying, but there are none. She's being completely honest.

"If this is what you need than I'm not going to stop you, but you can't expect me to be okay with this" I say calmly her honest softened me slightly.

Sophia's P.O.V

I didn't mean to lose my temper at Lauren, I know she's only doing what she thinks is best but that doesn't change that fact that my sister is now in her room pretending thats she not crying. I love Lauren and Emily being together they bring out the best in each other and the happiness they share is something I can only hope I share with JJ.

Ali and Ash have left to drop Lauren at the airport for the flight she had booked before even talking to Emily, but thats none of my business. So because the girls are gone I'm alone, Luca is passed out in my room and Emily hasn't even left hers. I have tried to go in amd check on her but she only screams at me to get out, so I have decided space is what I need to give her.

I stare at my phone for a few moments before calling the only person I really need to hear right now.

'Hey Babe' JJ's voice sings down the line.

"Hey beautiful, where are you?" I ask noticing the loud music playing in the back ground.

'At a party for the team' She says simply and I notice the slight slur to her words, telling me shes been drinking. 'Babe get back in here' I hear a male voice yell in the back ground, it doesn't take me long to notice that voice belongs to Zach. 'Coming' I hear JJ's muffled voice yell.

"Have a good night" I say hang up the phone anger building in the pit of my stomach. I don't hate a lot of people but Zach was one of the people I did hate, with every bone in my body I hated him.

I try ignoring the gut feeling somethings not right for the rest of the night before I finally fall asleep.

A/N Next Chapter is going to be a month or two later and alot will have happened in that time. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and are liking the story so far x

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