Chicago vs Orlando

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3 weeks later

Sophia's P.O.V

Its been just over a month since I broke up with JJ and to say I'm nervous about seeing her is an understatement. I have heard rumors that shes back with Zach and they have moved in together so this meeting could get extreamly awkward. I have kinda moved on but not really, I have had a few dates and are talking to a few people but I can't get JJ out of my head.

"You'll be okay" My sister says as she comes up beside my in the locker room. I give her a small smile and a nod before going back to tying my laces. My heads not in the game at all, my pre-game ritual has gone completely out the window.

"Okay ladies, we got this, we just have to make sure our defense is working together as one. Ali and Steph you guys need to really focus on closes Christen down, you know what she can do when given a chance" Ash says starting her captain speech. "We have this girls, we have the team dynamic to win this shit, so lets get out there and kick some ass"

Everyone cheers, pumbed up after the speech. I on the other hand only had my mind set on a certain blonde. I keep my eyes on the floor as we walk up the tunnel. I feel eyes on me and I look up to see JJ staring at me. She gives me a small smile and I just turn my attention back to the ground. I'm not ready to deal with any of this.

No Ones P.O.V

It's the 34th minute and the score is still 0-0, neither team getting many chances. Emily had a chance in the 30th minute but JJ came in with a slide tackle and got the ball out for a corner kick, which led no where.

JJ currently has the ball at her feet charging down field up the left side. Emily chacing from behind. Sophia jumps in to action charging at JJ realising that if she gets past its a certain scoring chance. Sophia kicks at the ball and misses sending JJ flying to the ground. JJ jumps up and shoves Sophia in the chest making her stumble back and fall on her back side.

Emily runs to her sisters side, girls from both teams coming in at different angles to stop a fight breaking out. Emily glares at JJ who is shocked with her own actions.

"Touch my sister again and I'll put you on your ass just like I did to your boyfriend" Emily yells as she stands storming towards JJ before strong arms wrap around her waist.

"She not worth your career Em" Alex whispers in her ear as she pulls her back, Steph has her hands on Emily's chest help Alex hold her back.

After everyone calms down and yellow cards are given to both Sophia and JJ the game continues. Emily takes the ball up field heading straight for JJ, who is starting to regret going after Sophia knowing full well her big sister is so protective. Just at the last second Emily fakes to go left but steps over the ball right sending JJ in the wrong direction, Emily passes the ball across the face of the goal, a sliding Alex gets the smallest of touches sending it into the bottom left hand corner. Emily and Alex run to each other in an embrace the team soon join.

The score stays 1-0 till half time. Ash peforms another speech before the girls head back out to the field for the second half, every Orlando player and fan in good spirits as the ref blows the whistle. Alex passes the ball back to Sophia who passes it back to Steph, everyone is to busy looking a the ball they don't notice Emily and Alex running up field. Steph hits the ball hard sending it just infront of Alex who manages to stay on side, she collects the ball at her and takes a few steps before chipping it over the charging keepers head, the ball landing perfectly for Emily to tap it in making it 2-0.

The game stays that way until the final whistle, the Orlando players jumping with joy and high fiving each other, they are now on a 4 game win streak.

Sophia's P.O.V

I pull Alex in for an embrace glad that we pulled off a win. I feel her tense and when I turn around I know why, JJ and Christen walking towards us. I try to think of how to walk away without the crowd realizing how sus I'm being. Unfortunately there is no way out. I shake Chris's hand first pretty much completely ignoring JJ until I feel her hand around my wrist, forcing me to look at her.

"Sorry about the shove, I got a little carried away" She states simply, I just nod griting my teeth, I can't tell her how I really feel because it will on cause a scene. "Good game"

"You to" I say turning and walking away. I wasn't going to spend a second longer with her if I could help it. I walk up to Emily who is talking with Lauren and Luca on the side line.

"Hey buddy" I say lifting him into my arms.

"Good game" He smiles hugging me tightly.

"Who's this little guy?" I hear behind me. I turn to find Christen standing there.

"This is my son Luca" Emily cuts in rubbing his back, he buries his head into my neck. He's always been a bit of a shy kid.

"Son?" Christen question, I had forgotten not everyone knew about Luca.

"Long story" I cut in, not wanting Emily to have to go into detail. Luca pulls from my arms, leaning towards his mum, I grant him his wish and pass him over. I watch as he snuggles into her, a smile forming on my lips, I will always love seeing them together.

"You guys coming to the team party om Saturday?" Chris asks drawing my attention back to her. I smile and nod, its a party I wouldn't even dream of missing. Each year HAO throws a USWNT party and from what I have heard things always seem to get a little wild.

"We wouldn't miss it" Lauren says from behind me. All ex and current players get to attend plus a plus one if HAO has agreed to them. I was gonna take Steph as my plus one but she's going to be in Australia that weekend visiting family.

"Good I'll see you guys there then" Chris smiles before walking off to sign some posters and things.

It's gonna be amazing seeing all the girls again, I can't wait.

A/N: I need your guys help! Who should Sophia be with next? JJ is going to be staying with Zach at least for awhile so we have Moe, Kelley, Alex or maybe Mal, let me know in the comment who you would like to see her with. X

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