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Emily's P.O.V

The first night with my roommate was extremely awkward. JJ and I hardly said two words to each other. When I told Lauren that JJ was my room mate, she was excited because she thought I would be able to fix Soph and JJ maybe even get them back together. Lauren always loved them together because she could see how happy they made each other. As much as we both love Mal, Lauren's right when she says Sophia has never smiled as much as when her and JJ were together.

"How was the first night with JJ?" Ash asks as I sit down with my breakfast.

"Awkward, Lauren wants me to try and get Soph and JJ back together" I state, hoping that Ash, Alex and Ali will realise I'm saying it so I can get there opinion on the subject.

"I love Mal and Soph together, they make a cute couple" Alex says with a mouth full of cereal.

"Yeah but Mal also deserves to be with someone who will love her with all there heart. Sophia can't do that because she's still in love with JJ" Ali states, she sounds a little angry and I can't blame her, she's right Mal deserves more then what my sister can give her right now.

"So do I get involved or stay out of it?" I ask them as I shovel a mouth full of cereal into my mouth.

"Maybe talk to Soph first, maybe you can get her to realise that her and Mal just aren't meant for each other. Then if Soph is ready to, she can talk to JJ herself" Ash says and for once in her life she actually makes sense. I nod at her before continuing to eat. I'm thankful when Tobin and Chris join our table causing the subject to change.

After my breakfast I look around for Sophia, once I found her I grab my chair and carry it over to her table to sit down next to her. She smiles when she sees me and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey sis" I say hugging her back. After pulling away I contemplate whether or not to talk to her about everything. "Can we talk?" I ask deciding that now is a better time then any, she must see my seriousness and nods, grabbing my hand and pulling me our into the hall away from everyone who could possibly listen in.

"What's going on?" She asks leaning her shoulder against the wall.

"Look I don't really want to get involved, I love you and I love Mal.."

"But?" She interrupts me.

"But I feel as though you are trying to force yourself to love her, I know you have feelings for her, that's obvious, but I don't think your in love with her because your still in love with JJ" I say. She sighs running her fingers through her hair moving it from one side to the other.

"I will always love JJ, she made me the happiest I've ever been, but I can't ever trust her again. She broke my heart and I'm scared that if I give it back it will happen again. At least I know Mal will never break my heart" My sister states. She's not one to be honest about her feelings, so I know I need to tread carefully with this subject or she could shut it down.

"I know all Soph, but don't you think Mal deserves someone that will love her as much as you love JJ?"

"I don't want to lose her as a friend and I'm worried that is what will happen if I tell her the truth" I pull my sister into my arms as I can see she's starting to get upset. She hates hurting people and she hate losing them.

"I honestly don't think you will lose Mal if you tell her the truth. She loved you as a friend before you became something more, she also knows about how close you and JJ were, I think she'll understand"

Sophia's P.O.V

After my chat with my sister and a few tears. I knew what I had to do. By the time we got back into the dinning hall everyone was pretty much gone, apart from Mal who was waiting for me and Ash who was waiting for Emily. I watch as Emily gives me a nod as her and Ash leave the dinning hall to allow Mal and I our privacy.

"Can we talk?" I ask as I walk over to where she's sitting. She smiles at me patting the seat beside me.

"I knew this chat was coming" She says calmly her eyes never leaving mine.

"What do you mean?" I ask, I had a feeling I already knew what she meant but I wanted to ask to be sure. I didn't want her to think something else was coming if it wasn't.

"I kinda knew that once you saw JJ again things would change. I knew when we first got together that you loved her and that you still do now. You may not have thought I noticed how sad you would look when you saw an Instagram picture of JJ and Zach, but I did notice. I love you Sophia Sage and that is why I ignore those looks of disappointment and sorrow. I knew this day would come eventually but I didn't want to rush it because I wanted to spent as much time as possible with you" By the time Mal has finished speaking I'm in tears. Why she couldn't have been the one that stole my heart I'll never know.

"I'm so sorry Mal, you deserve so much more then this. I want nothing more then to love you as much as you love me and I'm so so sorry I can't" She smiles at me pulling me into her embrace.

"Maybe in the future when the time is right, we can try this again. Maybe it's just not our time right now, but until then I'm just happy to be one of your best friends, and if you and your sister will still let me, your roommate?" I smile at her pressing my lips to her cheek.

"Your the only room mate I like" I say causing her to laugh. We stay hugging for a few moments before she pulls away.

"So how are we going to get JJ back?" She asks me, surprising me once again. Mal is seriously the best ex anyone could ask for.

"I'm not sure if I want her back. I just didn't want to lead you on any longer" I say truthfully.

"I know JJ hurt you Soph, but it's pretty obvious she still loves you and we both know your still madly in love with her, so in my opinion you should fight for her, show her that your not going to give up on this relationship"

"I don't want to do that to you, wanting to get back with JJ wasn't the reason I ended things" I hope she already knows this, but I hope by me saying it, will make her realise if she hasn't already.

"I know and yes it's going to be hard to see you guys together if you get back together but all I have ever wanted is your happiness, as much as I wish it was you and I, I'll never be your soul mate like she is" Mal states calmly, I can see she's trying to hold back tears, so I quickly pull her into my arms.

"You have no idea how much I wish it was you I met first" I say holding her tight. I really did wish sometimes that Mal was the person I met in the lobby that day. I wish she gave me the butterflies JJ's smile gave me, I wish that I was I love with the person who would never break my heart, but I'm not and Mal deserves better then myself.

"I love you" She whispers in my chest, so quiet that I nearly didn't hear her. I pull her tighter into my chest. I want to say it back but I know that she knows it's nothing more then friendship love and I'm worried that right now hearing me say it will only make it harder on her.

A/N: I decided to do a couple of chapters for you guys since its been so long since my last update, so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Let me know if you think JJ and Sophia should get back together in the next couple of chapters or if I should wait, I'll leave it up to you readers xx

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