Ice Cream and Glee ~ Chapter 32

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Ross POV

"Rocky get me some ice cream..." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Your acting like a teenage girl after her boyfriends dumped her..." Rocky giggled.

"Ha,ha..." I sarcastically replied. "Monkey, ice cream!"

"Ooo ooo ah ah!" Rocky pretended to be a monkey and ran out of the bedroom.

"So,what are you going to do?" Ryland asked.

"Eat ice cream till' I explode..."

"That would be a nice death!"

"True that." I nodded.

"Listen Ross, I know you love her and I have a feeling she likes you but after the whole 'Laura I love you fiasco' Charl just doesn't know if she can trust you anymore. If you love her,go get her tiger!" Ryland said enthusiastically.

"Thanks for that bro!" I gave Ryland a bro hug.

"Anytime! Now stop moping and get yo' girl back!"

I basically jumped off my bed and ran towards the living room door.

My hand quivered above the handle.

What if Riker and Charl were making out on the sofa?

Ryland saw that I was being a chicken and not turning the handle so he gave me a 'man up you little kid' look and with that I turned the handle and opened the door.

"Hey Ross!" Charl instantly smiled as I walked through the door.

"Hey babe... I mean uh Charl?" I stutter.

"Come here you dork!" Charl giggled patting the space on the sofa next to her.

I do as I'm told and sit down next to Charl.

"Sorry about that..." I whispered.

"About what?" Charl asked clueless.

"Calling you babe..."

"It's ok,I like it..." Charl blushed.

"Y-y-you do?" I managed to blurt out.

"Mhmm." Charl nodded her head.

She just said she likes it when I call her babe...

Riker was to tuned into watching himself on the TV to notice mine and Charls little whisper flirt,however I think Rydel and Ratliff along with Rocky and Ryland,who was standing by the bedroom door watching me noticed because they all sort of fangirled a bit...

"So do you wanna hang out later while Riker's out partying?" I asked Charl.

"Sure,just me and you though?"

"Of course." I smiled happily to myself.

"I'm looking forward to it just being me and you..." I smiled.

"Yeah,me too." Charl rested her head softly on my shoulder.

Say you'll stay started playing from Riker's iPhone.

"Hello?" Riker answered his phone.

"Hey,Riker we need to run over some more lines for the next series. Can you come down now?" The man on the phone asked.

"Sure Joe,I'll be there in twenty..." Riker replied to 'Joe'.

"See ya!" Joe said ending the call.

"Charl?" Riker asked.

"Yeah Rike?" Charl replied.

"Help me pick a party outfit?"


Riker got up and ran into the bedroom pulling Charl in with him.

Looking like a lost puppy I decided to follow the 'happy couple' (note sarcasm)

"Wear this!" Charl smiled getting out a blue checked shirt from Riker's wardrobe.

"And these?" Riker asked holding up a pair of jeans.

"Perfect!" Charl grinned.

Riker ran into the bathroom and from it sounds like he was having trouble getting on his clothes...

About ten minutes later,Riker is out of the bathroom looking fresh and at his best.

"I'll see you babe!" Riker smiled kissing Charl passionately on the lips.

I watched, and winced as their lips touched.

That should be Charl and I...

Authors Note

Hey guys!

I wasn't going to update today,however I did so be happy ;D

This chapter was quite fun and quite to write.

I really get into writing from peoples point of view and how they feel in certain situations...

QOTD ~ What did you think of this chapter?

Thank you guys so so much for reading this fanfic,I'm happy to say that we have hit 25k!

I need at least 15 comments and 25 votes but if you comment one word or letter or just say update I won't update.

I really find the 'update please' annoying because you don't say whether or not you enjoyed the chapter therefore I can't find anything to change etc.

Please write more than 'please update!' Or '1' then in another comment '2' and so on...


~ Charl x

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now