The Creation of Dudley's Room

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Dearest Lily,

If you are reading this, it means Vernom and I have passed on. I trust you will care for Dudley, he is everything to me, and I can't bear the thought of him going to Marge. Please protect him. He is my everything.

I'm sorry for losing touch, by the time I realised how stupid I'd been, it was too late. I wish I'd never called you a you-know-what. I was scared, and I wanted to be able to do it. I was childish, and you had to live with the consequences of that. I'm sorry.

I was greatly saddened by the death of James, I know how much he meant to you. I hope you will find solice and closure soon. 

I hope Duddy isn't too bigger problem, if he is, Marge will take him, but I wanted you to have the first refusal, as I know you will care for him better, he'll like your cat- crookshanks?

I love you.

Tuney. xxx

Lily had tears streaming down her face as she finished the letter. Kate put an arm around her, both boys looked worried. Sirius was motionless, wanting to help, but not knowing how. 

"Why mummy cry?" Harry asked, anxiously. Lily picked him up and cuddled him close. 

Dudley began to cry too; Lily picked him up and kissed his tufty hair, being as gentle as if he was her own son.

"Kate. How would I go about adopting Dudley?"

Harry yauned, and Sirius took him upstairs to bed. Dudley clung to Lily's shirt. 

"I'll go to the office and find the appropriate forms." Kate said, "I'll be three/ four hours yet."

"I'll phone one of my friends, she has just had a toddler grow out of a toddler bed, do you think he is old enough, or should he have a cot?"

"A toddler bed should be fine, if he tumbles, put bed rails up."

"Thank you. We have a spare room, it was going to be for a second child, but with James gone..... Well, I'm glad we have Dudley to be Harry's big brother."

As soon as Kate left, Lily went to the upstairs guest room, with a swish of her wand, she transfigured the guest bed into a toddler bed, in the shape of a castle, with four turrets as posts, and shelving underneath. Between the turrets, she transfigured the old second bed into bed rails. The walls were charmed to look like the countryside. The old chest of draws was quickly changed into a full size cupboard, pine colour, and the rug was changed from a dull grey to a fuffy green rug. The curtains had dragons on, as did the carpet. Lily smiled, then picked up some old books, a cookbook from an old aunt, a nature book from a hated uncle, and a train spotting guide that her friend had given her. She waved her wand, and the cookbook became a play cooking set, the nature book became several soft toys (a bear, a dog and a fox) and the guide became a grand trainset, with 5 different trains, and a track on a table that had different terrains on it, each terrain with its own stop, 'Safari Square' was surrounded by fake sand, 'Jungle Junction' was covered with paintings of trees, 'Igloo Island' had fake ice, and 'City Connection' was painted to look like a town. Lily swore that once the social worker was gone, she was going to make the train set much better.

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