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To be the only one left of your kind is scary and I should know because I'm the only ware wolf , a person with wolf ears and a tail, in the world.

Hi, I'm Y/N, I've been in a foster home since I was 5. Due to humans taking down every last ware wolf in the world except for me I just got lucky. They killed my mother, father, my brother,  my sister, and my entire species just so they could turn our island into a resort and to prove who was stronger. When they started to build they found me hidden in a cave instead of killing me, which I begged then to so I could be with my family in Heaven, they chose to bring me to Japan and put me in a foster home. So that's where my story begins.

I am now 16 years old ( pretend you are) and I'm still stuck in a foster home with 12, 15, and 13 year olds. It's not so bad I mean I get to go play the guitar, ride horses, get paid for chores, and go to school like a normal person, but I'm not. I'm just tired of being here it feels like your trapped from the world. Don't get me wrong I'm still afraid of humans but not these girls they are pretty cool and nice once you get to know them.

But that's why I'm going to escape tonight at midnight.

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