The Truth

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~y/n's point of view ~

It's the morning of the first night with Ai, when I wake up and I find Ai still asleep. 'Aww he's so cute when he is asleep,' why did I think that? When I think it his eyes open and they look different, like android or robot different. In about a minute or so his eyes turn back to normal.

"You saw it didn't you?" He asked me. I didn't even answer him I was so afraid I hopped out of the bed and started to run, when I got to the living room I found everyone there.

"What is h-" before I could finish my sentence Ai came behind me and covered my mouth, and dragged me to the room.

"What are you, Ai?" I asked him.
"Y/N let me explain," he told me that his family wanted a perfect child and so they got somebody to make them an android, that was the perfect child to them. After Ai told me this I went to him and hugged him.
"If you are telling me what you are, can I tell you what I can do or become?" He shook his head yes and I told him," I was born into the alpha family, which is the only family that will be the alphas in the pack and the only wolves that are born with an ability to do something. My brother's is the ability to tame fire, my sister's is the ability to control air, and we have to be 5 years old to know what our ability is and how to control it, well they were about to tell me, my family, and the pack my ability until humans started their attack so I ran away without knowledge of my ability. And if I don't know my ability before my 18 birthday I will turn into something, a monster. Now I'm afraid of not being able to know anything my ability, happiness, family, and love." I was starting to cry when Ai hugged me.
"H-hey don't cry, I'm sure you will be able to know some things."

~Ai's point of view~

As I'm hugging y/n I realized that as I'm telling all of these things to her I realized that I like, no love her. But, that's impossible because I shouldn't have feelings because I'm an android.

~time skip and back to y/n's point of view~

As we walk into the living room Reiji asked me if I knew what Ai is so I nodded. They all sighed in relief.

Sorry I didn't write as many chapters as I did on day one I just have a lot going on right now so I won't have anything published on Thursday, I think again I said think
Well any way I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have and I will have at least 30 to 40 parts in this story so please stick around for more I ❤️ u guys

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