A Camping Trip?!

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I know I've been doing Ai's point of view and y/n point of view but I'm going to start with Reiji's point of view.

~Reiji's point of view~
All of us have entered a camping trip contest to where we grab a ticket and once they have sold every ticket they will announce the winning ticket, and now they're finally announcing the winner. "The winning thicket number is 5-65-9-24, if you are the winning ticket please come to the resort three days from now, show us the ticket, and of it's the winning ticket we'll let you and your friends in. Have a great day!"
"Oh my gosh that's my ticket number!" I say screaming at the top of my lungs," we're going on a camping trip!"
"We're going where?" Y/n says while walking into the living room.
"We entered a camping trip contest before we met you and there are only 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms." Ai explained to y/n. "If you want you ca-"
"If you guys entered so just y'all could go that's fine, I'll stay here," y/n told us.
"We were going to say you could sleep in one of our rooms but you are going," Ai told her.
"Really, I've never been on a camping trip before," y/n said," Wait please tell me that there are bunk beds."
"No, there is one bed per room, you're going to have to choose who's room you'll be in," Ran-Ran said.
"......" Y/n was quiet for a moment. "What!"

~y/N's point of view~

I have to choose who's room and I have to sleep with them! Not good, not good at all! Ok pull yourself together y/n, who's room should I be in?

'Let's see,' I look at Reiji,' no he would probably talk to me.' I think maybe Ranmaru,' no, Camus nah I'm afraid he will do stuff to me.' I try my best to think,' Ai he made me a promise that he wouldn't do anything to me unless I wanted him to.'

"I think I want to be in a room with Ai," I say while looking at him.
"Ok but if you want to change your mind you can," Ai told me as I smiled at him.
~Time skip to the trip~

We just got done unpacking our bags and placed our items in our rooms, and now we're going on a hike. Once we got done hiking up the mountain we start going back to the cabin. It's harder to walk down because it's steep and there are roots everywhere.

"Y/N watch out!" Reiji screamed at me.
"Huh!" I tripped on a root and twisted my ankle," Oww." Before I started to roll down the mountain Ai wrapped his arms around my waist and held me in his arms.
"Are you ok?" He asked me, but since I'm in his arms I'm blushing like crazy.
"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine," he put me down and told me to put my arm around his shoulder, so that he could help me walk. I did so, and now we are almost to the cabin.

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