12|Two Boys

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3 months later

"This is all your goddamn fault! I fucking hate you! Oh, my god! I am never having sex with your ass ever again!" I cringe as Ava spits out profanities at Orlando whom is ignoring his wife's outburst as he whispers sweet nothings into her ear.

"Mrs. Rivera, we need you to push again!" The doctor tells the red headed woman.

"Skylar! I hate you! Why didn't you make me take the epidural?!" Ava lashes out at me and I wince as she digs her nails into my hand when she pushes again.

"I see a head!" The doctor announces.

"Come on, Mama. One more push and baby Number one is out!" The short, blonde haired nurse encourages Ava.

With a whimper of pain, Ava obliges, and soon enough the cries of an infant fill the room.

"Its a boy!" The doctor announces and Orlando walks over with tears in his eyes before taking the scissors that the nurse hands him and cutting the umbilical cord.

"Baby number two is coming!" The doctor informs us as Ava begins pushing again.

Not even a minute later, another cry fills the room.

"Its another boy!" The doctor announces once again and Ava throws her head back in relief, a small laugh escaping her throat.

"You did it," I smile down at my best friend and she nods, smiling.

"Two boys," Orlando murmurs when he walks over, his cheeks damp with tears as he tells us in disbelief.

Ava laughed at his reaction and takes hold of his large hand in his own small one.

"Here you go, Mama." The nurse smiles softly as she hands a twin to Ava, who tears up as she looks down at her son.

"Dante," She whispers lightly, love lacing her voice.

"Dante Camilo James Rivera," She laughs lightly as her grips her pointer finger with a yawn before opening his eyes slightly to peer at his mother.

"Hi, buddy." Orlando smiles as he looks over his wife's shoulder to stare at the baby.

"And here is big boy number two." The nurse smiles, putting the baby in Orlando's arms.

It was funny to see such a big, buff man holding a baby the size of one of his large hands.

"Maximiliano Silas Rivera," Orlando and Ava say at the same time with content smiles as they look into one another's eyes lovingly.

"Max and Dante. Welcome to the world little Rivera men." Ava cooes when Orlando places Max into the crook of Ava's other arm.

"I'll go tell the others the boys are here." I smile at my friends and Ava looks up at me with a small smile.

"Sky," She says and I make a sound of acknowledgement.

"Thank you. For everything." Ava murmurs and I nod with my smile still intact.

"What are sisters for?" I respond and she sniffles, tears causing her eyes to become glossy once again as she nods at my response.

"I'll be back." I say and Orlando smiles at me with a nod before I walk out to the waiting room where everyone sits on the edge of their seats.

"Hey." I say quietly and everyone looks up at me before bolting up.

"How did it go?" Knox is the first to ask.

"Max and Dante are healthy and Ava is doing well. Everything went perfect. The boys are perfect." I respond with a smile and they all let out a breath of relief.

"You're all free to go see them. They finished cleaning just after I left." I inform and they all nod before Mr. And Mrs. Rivera rushed past me, Knox, Eden, and Ken close on their heels.

"You look dead," Ricky states as he walks over to me with a small smile.

I roll my eyes.

"Thanks. Way to make a girl feel special." I grumble and he chuckles before handing me a paper coffee cup.

"I thought you could use it." He says and I give a small smile before kissing him softly on the lips.

"How do you feel about kids?" I ask abruptly when we pull back and he raises an eyebrow at me as we begin walking towards Ava's room.

"As in my own?" He asks slowly and I nod.

"Yeah. Would you possibly want kids in the future?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course I would. I mean, I love the thought of having a family..a big family like my mom wanted before she passed. Maybe like five to six kids, but I'm not being selfish. I'll take what I can get..I just want to be a better father than my own." He responds and I swallow nervously before taking a sip of the coffee in my hand.

"Why do you ask?" He says and I glance over at him.

"No reason." I smile and he looks at me oddly before nodding and walking into the room, keeping the door open so that I can walk in without getting hit.

"Their gorgeous," Eden cooed and I look over at Ricky as he glances down at the two baby blue sleeping in there small glass surrounded cots.

"I can't wait to have some of my own," Eden adds in a wistful sigh and I bite my lip.

Neither could I.

_______________980 words______________

This is short, but I'm trying to finish this book so that I can just move onto Eden and then Max.

1 more chapter..then the epilogue.


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