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Minuet's P.O.V.

After the school bell rang, I saw Adrien and Y/N talking near the hallway.

I hid behind the bushes secretly to listen to their conversation.

". . .that's how she dumped me," I hear Adrien tell her. "Left me alone in the rain, all wet and soggy."

"Well, only a girl that stupid would do that kind of thing to you. I mean, you did everything she asked for, then she left you alone! What an idiot!" Y/N exclaimed.

"I know right," Adrien sighed, then a beep of a vehicle rang through my ears. "Oops, sorry, Y/N. I gotta go. Bye!"

"Bye," she waved.

I looked at their car to see if it's somehow familiar to me. Lucky for him, it's not.

Y/N continued walking, then she finally noticed me. "Minuet! You scared the hell outta me!" She breathed heavily.

I kept a straight face, and I looked straight in her eyes.

"W- what...?" She asked, looking back at her. "What's wrong?" 

"deValois is the problem, Y/N. It's obvious that he likes you," I grumped.

"Actually, he doesn't like me. He said he's done with his lovelife and wants to move on. So technically-"

"And you like him," I crossed my arms.

"Why would I like him? We just met, you know. Besides, I already got you! I trust you with all my life, and that ends it. Period." She explained.

But I digress. "What's the color of his eyes?" I asked her urgently while squinting.
"Color of his... uh... brown? I guess?" She shrugged.

"See? You knew what his eye color is! It means that your face is close to his!" I said angrily.

Y/N raised her eyebrows, then giggled.

"Why are you laughing? I'm still mad at you, you know!" I growled.

"Aww, are you jealous again?" She cooed.

I feel my cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "N- no,"

"I know you, Mr. Felium. You're jealous of Adrien. I can see it on your face." Y/N giggled more.

"Okay, okay! I'm jealous, I admit it!" I exclaimed, then sighed. "It's just I don't want you talking with another guy. But me."

At that moment, Y/N stopped laughing. "Minuet, you know that I won't replace you. No one can, unlike what Adrien's ex- girlfriend did." She smirked. "I know you've been evesdropping us, cat."

"Darn. Sometimes I don't really get it why you're not an honor student."

"Hey, I'm an honor student! T- two years ago..." she hung her head.

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