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A/N: 1 chapter is down! Lezzgo!


Your P.O.V.

My eyes widened. "Paris, wha- what are you saying?!"

"I'm ready to end this, right here... r- right now..." he managed to smile. "Let me just tell you Y/N, that I also... I also love you."

"Paris...?" Eiffelle sniffed, tears flowing down her face.
Paris smiled at her, then stroked her cheek. "Come on, sis. Smile. S... smile for me, please..."

She held his hand. "How can I smile if... if you tell me that I should-"

"Listen, if you have or even want to kill me, just do it." Paris looked at me. "Y/N. Take care of Eiffelle for me, okay?"

"W- what?!" I shouted. "Are you out of your mind?! You... you shouldn't say things like that! E- Eiffelle, don't kill him!"

"Now I'm having second thoughts..." Eiffelle muttered, still crying.

Paris rolled his eyes, then sighed. "Guess we'll have to do this the hard way..." he pressed the spiked collar tightly around his neck to strangle himself.

"No!" Eiffelle and I tugged on his arms to stop him.

"I... I'm s- sorry this is the way things should- should be d- done..." Paris stuttered in pain, and he pulled his sword out of its sheath, and...

...he stabbed it right on his chest.

"Paris!" Eiffelle and I shouted again.

Eiffelle panicked, and she was about to pull the sword out when I stopped her. "No, you'll make it worse!"

She looked at me in disbelief.

"D- don't worry, Paris!" I stood up, getting ready to make a magic circle. "I'll- I'll do something to-"

"Don't," Paris held my wrist. "Don't e- even think about... saving me, Y- Y/N..."

"Y/N, don't listen to him, he's crazy!" Eiffelle screamed. "Do something!"

"Even if you use your magic, it won't be enough. You need a miracle for this..." Paris muttered.

"I'll go get help!" Eiffelle stood up, but Paris held her wrist too.

"No, sis... too late..."

"Too late?" Eiffelle repeated.

"Just remember... that... I love you so, so, so much." Paris whispered.

Eiffelle totally lost it, and she burst in tears. She hugged her big brother tightly.

Paris looked up at me. "You're... you're crying too?" He chuckled lightly.

I scoffed. "Who wouldn't?"

"I told you, you don't look good when you cry," he joked.

I hit his arm lightly.

"So... I guess you're stuck with Minuet, huh?" He smiled.

I pursed my lips before replying. "Don't say that, I haven't decided yet!"

"It's not like you have another option anyway." He smirked.

"I'll slap your smirk off of your dang face. You shouldn't die! What do you think will happen without you? What do you think will happen to your sister? You'll leave us alone just like that?! You are insane!" I scolded.

He chuckled again.

I swear, this guy is retarded.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" I started to cry again. "Can you please be serious?! I just confessed that I still like you a while ago and now you're dying?! Are you kidding?! Are you for real?! You really are- mpfh!"

He closed the gap between us, kissing me.


I hesitated at first, but soon melted into the kiss.

I'm a bit worried about Eiffelle... she's probably scarred for life now.

Paris smirked. "Made you shut up."

I glanced at Eiffelle.

Yeah, her mouth is open.

I hit Paris again. "Why did you do that? You're this close to dying!" I held two fingers in the air. "This close!"

"I don't care. Just..." he sighed. "Take care of Eiffelle for me."

Eiffelle held his hand. "No, Paris, please! You'll- you'll live! You're strong- you can go through this!"

"I don't think so..." he smiled. "...at least, I get to see you two... one last time." A tear escaped his eye, and hugged us tightly.

"I... love... you..." he whispered, then his grip loosened.

My eyes widened, then let go of him. His eyes are closed.

"Paris," I called. "Paris?"

"Big brother... wake up..." Eiffelle shaked him. "Wake up! O- open your eyes!"

"Paris! Come on, stop joking! It's still not funny! Paris!"

"Big bro!" Eiffelle rested her head on his chest, then gasped. "He's not breathing!"

"No!" I cried.


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