😨Got You!🚨

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June's P.O.V.

Okay, that group hug lasted longer than I expected. But at least Y/N's feeling better now.

Maybe. J- just maybe. Hey, she lost her father and her reputation dropped down for a solid 63%! That's something!

"Thank you for being there for me, guys... I don't know what would happen if you just let me by myself." Y/N said, wiping a tear.

I smiled. "Aww, that may be the sweetest thing you've ever to-" Then lightning struck in the sky, interrupting me. "-what the hell was that??"

Paris used his hands to do a visor on the forehead. "Duh, lightning," he pointed up. "Maybe we should get to a safer place, like on the warehouse front to avoid the rain, if ever."

Y/N nodded. "Good idea."

We moved to the front of a nearby warehouse, then rested there.

Minuet frowned. "I thought you already stopped crying?" He asked Y/N. "Wait, no hard feelings? Are you mad at us?"

Y/N looked at him as if he's on drugs. "Are you kidding? I'm fine now! You guys made me feel better, I swear." She held one hand up as a symbol of promise.

I looked at the sky again. "Then why did lightning struck here a minute ago?"

Minuet shrugged. "Natural weather, probably. You know climate change."

Paris crossed his arms. "Whoa, you really listen in our Science discussion?" He asked him, amused.

"Nah, I just can feel it. I have fur, whiskers, and big ears, Templar." Minuet held one finger to each feature.

Then Paris' eyes went big. "Wait... it's not climate change..."

"Then what is it, smart guy?" Y/N asked him, placing her hands on her hips.

Paris didn't answer. He gawked at something behind Y/N and I.

"Paris!" An angry high- pitched voice came behind us. "We need to talk!" She stomped towards us.

"Is she mad at us? Tell me she's not mad at us, please, I'm begging." I whispered to them.

Minuet scoffed. "Of course she is! Paris told her off earlier for killing Y/N's father! What do you expect?"
"Paris!" Eiffelle yelled again, stopping in her tracks.

"Don't worry. I got this." Paris said, sighing, then walked towards Eiffelle.

"Paris..." Y/N whispered, taking one step forward. But Minuet and I held both of her wrists to stop her from going near.

"What do you want?" Paris asked her, annoyed.

"You know what I want," she crossed her arms, then looked at Y/N's direction. "If you surrender the witch, nobody's gonna get hurt."

Paris stepped in front of Y/N. "No. I know for sure that you'll still hurt her even though we surrender her."

Minuet went beside Paris. "And that will never happen. I'm not gonna let you hurt someone again. That includes June."

I smiled a bit. Okay, cool, I thought for sure they're just protecting, you know, Y/N.

"Stop butting in Felium! Y/N's the one I need so shut up and move over!" She shouted, pushing Minuet out of the way.

"Think you can really push me out of the way?" Minuet asked, then smirked. "Smidget?"

Eiffelle looked up at him angrily. "What did you call me?"

Minuet chuckled. "Don't make me repeat it twice, Mini- Templar,"

Paris gave him a swift kick on his knee. "Dude, you better listen to what she says. I guarantee you, you'll not be happy with the aftermath. Trust me on this." He muttered.

"Oh please," Minuet dusted his sweater teasingly. "it's not like she can shove a 17- year- old that easily. She's just twel- waah!"

Eiffelle used her magic to push Minuet, and he fell face- first on the ground.

Paris helped him up. "See, I told you!"

"I thought you told me she can't control her magic yet!" Minuet frowned at him.

Paris sighed. "I told you she can't control her powers yet, but she knows how to use it already! That's what I meant, numbskull!"

Eiffelle giggled. "That's why you shouldn't mess with me, catboy."

Y/N clenched her fist in mock frustration. "Can you not?! Stop dragging other people into our problem because this fight is between the two of us! They have nothing to do with this!"

"Dang right. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" I added angrily.

(A/N: Alvin and the Chipmunks, anyone? :p)

"Wow, a great quote for two- k- seventeen, Blue Hair! Nice one!" Eiffelle rolled her eyes. "But nope, bye!" She said, blasting a ball out of her hand.

Because it happened quickly, I fell on the ground with strong impact. I think I busted my spleen or something because of that fall.

Y/N gasped, then her eyebrows met with anger. "That's it, Eiffelle! You're going down!" She said, stepping closer to her.

"No, you're going down, sister!" Eiffelle replied, her casual clothes turning into a witch hunter's uniform.

"Oh god..." I muttered, slowly standing up. "Y/N, be careful!" I held her forearm tightly.

"I'll be fine, June," she smiled weakly. "You're the one who should be more careful than me because you don't have magic. This'll be dangerous for you- I don't want to see you hurt!"

"Same for me! I'm not going to let her hurt you!" I argued.

"Just tell me if you're ready to play with me, witch!" Eiffelle laughed teasingly.

Y/N looked over to the boys. "Minuet, Paris, take June inside. Don't let her come out until this shiz is over."

Paris saluted. "Roger that!" He grabbed my wrist, then led me in the warehouse.

"Wait! B- but what about Y/N?! She's in trouble!" I struggled on the way.

"Y/N's a witch. She can handle it- she's powerful enough to fight my sister." He assured.

I frowned at him. "Aren't you at least a little worried about her?!"

"I am worried! A solid 100 percent! But I believe in her and what she can do. I know she can do it." He paused for a while, then looked at me seriously. "Do you?"

I gulped. Did he just roasted me? Yeah, he did! How dare he? "O- of course I do! Of course I believe in her! She's strong, and she knows what she's doing!" I shouted.

His face softened, contented of what he heard.

I sighed sadly. "But I don't know how long she'll last out there..."

A/N: And our beloved heroine goes in for the kill! By the way, this is the PROBABLY the part where it gets... you know... intense...? Maybe? I dunno. We'll see.😆

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