🙅Absentee 1😳

96 9 2

June's P.O.V.

The school bell rang, signaling the beginning of the school day. We're on our way to our classroom when our friend since middle school, Calixta, came running toward us.

"Guys!" She panted heavily. "Do you kno where Connor is? We need him in the group activity later!"

"Why? He's not here yet? Class is starting." I reminded.

Calixta walked in circles. "I know, I know! But he's got the project that we're working on since Monday!" She bit her bottom lip.

Just then, Paris' phone chimed. "Oops, sorry guys, new message." He apologized, then read whatever's on he screen. "It's from Connor. He said he can't go."

"You're killing me here!" Calixta exclaimed, clearly frustrated. "Now what are we gonna do?"

"It's fine, Calix. We'll just telk Mr. Yoshima the news." Y/N shaked her head.

"Okay... I- I'll just... head back to the classroom." Calixta hung her head, then left.

"What's her deal?" Minuet tilted his head a bit.

I shrugged. "You know her, she's always worried about her grades even though she's an honor student," I explained. "Thrice in a row."


"Good thing Mr. Yoshima allowed you to work on the project tomorrow. Or your grades are done for." Paris smiled.

Minuet just scoffed. "What's the use of those grades anyway? You'll still be promoted to a highed level even though your grades aren't impressive,"

"Excusé moi?!" Adrien suddenly showed up out of nowhere.

"A- Adrien?!" We gasped, jumping one foot in the air.

"School grades are very important, for it is the only way to go to the next level and chapter of school life. We should strive for the highest-"

"We get it Frenchie, your grades matter to you! Jeez." Minuet rolled his eyes at Adrien.

"Apologies, I just got carried away," Adrien chuckled.

But then Paris pushed Y/N away!

A/N: Omg soo sorry about the late update! It's just that it's our Quarterly Exam week, and I had to review and... okay, I lost the notebook where I'm updating my stories. It's my fault! Because of that, I should do a double update. Anyways, you guys have to message me if you already played the LM 2! (Wink, wonk) (And the picture I got is from LM 2, so yeah, you're welcome for spoiling you!) Things are gonna be...


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