☔Magic Weather 2⛅

117 13 4

June's P.O.V.

On our way to history class...

"Do you think they'll not notice we got wet?" I asked the three, then I covered my mouth with my hands. "Whoa, that sounded wrong."
Y/N combed her hair. "Of course they'll notice. Look at me! It's obvious!" She groaned. "And it's because of me!"

"Hey, it's not that bad. I meanz it could be worse, y'know. Like... an earthquake." Minuet scared her.

"That'll never happen, I promise. I'll not get mad for a lame reason." Y/N scoffed.

Suddenly, I felt a slight yank on my back. But I ignored it. 'That was probably just my imagination.' I thought.

Then a huge tug! I saw a boy, about 16 years, running away with-

"My bag!" I shouted, then ran to chase him.

"Give the lady her bag back, you idiot!" Paris ran after him too.

"He won't get away with that!" I hear Y/N say.

I looked back at her, then she raised her hand. My backpack floated above the boy, then flew back at me. I grabbed it before it's too late.

The boy gasped, then looked around. "What the?! How did that happen?!" He shouted.

"That's called 'karma', my friend. K- A- R- M- A." I hoisted my backpack over my shoulder.

"Wait, you look familiar in a way... have we met before?" He scratched the back of his neck, then tilted his head a little. "Nah, you're not," he chuckled. "You're just a weirdo who tried to steal my friend's bag!"

Y/N stepped a little closer to the boy. "How old are you?"

"Six... teen?" He hung his head low.

"Sixteen? That's a year younger than me!" Y/N exclaimed. "Obviously, you didn't know that stealing other people's things isn't right. Dude, you gotta learn to control your own actions...-"

While she's talking, I hear rumbles outside. I dared to look outside of the window, then saw that the sky's getting darker and darker! "Y/N..." I poked her arm, my eyes are still glued at the window.

"- not now, June- and did you really think you can get away with the bag?" She continued scolding the boy.

While Y/N's still at it, I tapped Paris and Minuet's shoulders, then pointed out the window.

"Oh, no," they both muttered.

"- nuh- uh! I don't think so! Because I'm a solid red belter since grade school, and nothing gets past me!"

"Hey, Y/N? You really need to see this." Minuet told her.

"Yeah. Right this minute." Paris agreed.

But Y/N completely ignored every word we told her.

"And do you know what? I never hear you say 'sorry' to my friend!" She finished.

"Y/N L/N!" The three of us shouted to get her attention.

"Huwaat?!" She turned to face us, then saw us pointing outside.

Her eyes widen. "Oh gods... what have I done..." she facepalmed. She sighed, then faced the boy again.

"Okay, so learned your lesson?" She asked him.

"Mmm-hmm," the boy nodded his head in understanding.

"Good. You may go. Remember what I told you!" She called as he ran off.

As Y/N let out a huge sigh of relief, the dark clouds moved away, giving path to the sunlight.

"Thank heaven," I whispered.

"Didn't I tell you not to be mad?" Minuet asked her.

"I know, but I completely forgot because he's being so difficult!" Y/N stomped her foot hard on the floor.

"Deep! Breath! Y/N!" Paris patted her head.

A/N: Pssh, okay, I promise, it will get more intense in the next chapters! But for now, peazzout!

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