😳Let Me Go😶

55 11 1

June's P.O.V.

I shaked my head, then rubbed my eyes to see better.

"Min... uet?" I asked, squinting. "What happened...?"

He helped me stand up. "You uh... you did something crazy, to be honest, but it's over now. How're you feeling?"

"Weird. I feel dizzy, and I feel a puke coming..." I said weakly.

He backed away a bit.

I smiled. "I'm not sure bro, chill," then I looked around. "Where's... where's Y/N?"

Minuet sighed, then looked out of the window. "She went after Paris to help him."
"What?!" I punched him lightly on his arm. "Why didn't you stop her?!"

He just held my wrist. "She already made her decision. I can't change her mind anymore... even if I still want to."

I stared at him, waiting for more answers, but that's it.

"This is not just about Y/N going after Paris, isn't it?" I finally asked him.

Minuet stayed silent.


He looked up at me. "Y/N broke up with me, bu-"

"Y/N. Did. What?!"

"N- no! You didn't understand! I uh, I suggested that um... okay, it's because Y/N admitted she still-"

"She still likes Paris," I nodded, finishing his sentence. "I know, it's obvious."

"Yeah. So I gave her time to think about-- wait." His head jerked up. "How did you know that?"

I twirled a section of hair around my finger. "I told you, it's obvious. Please tell me you noticed that before. Y/N is always fair to the people she love."

"What. Ever." He shrugged.

I placed a hand on his back. "Are you sure you're okay letting her go? If she pick Paris in the end, I can assure you, you'll regret your life desicions."

Minuet chuckled lightly. "That's the fun part, to be honest; I'll fight for her love."

I smiled brightly. "You go, boy! Slay!"

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