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"Avi!" I shouted as I watched him fall to the ground. I rushed over to him. "Avi," I shouted again. I held him in my arms. "Avi, wake up," I tried shaking him but it did nothing. "Oh no," Panic began to take over my body. His skin began getting paler and paler. My fears of what was going on scared me.

I took my phone out of my pocket, nearly dropping it and dialled 911. "911, what's your emergency?" A ladies voice came through the phone.

"H-Hello, my name is Scott Hoying and my boyfriend just collapsed and I don't know why and I don't know what to d-"

"Sir, please calm down. Is he breathing?" She asked. I leaned up to his mouth to feel if he was breathing. I couldn't feel anything.

"N-No," I shakily responded. "Oh God," I whispered to myself.

"Help is on the way. I am going to need you to remain with your boyfriend until an ambulance arrives,"

"O-Ok," I replied. The line cut and I waited by him. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I waited. "Avi please wake up," I begged. "It can't end. Not like this," I sniffled as I stared down at my unconscious boyfriend. I held his limp hand in mine and kissed it.

I didn't want to avoid him all this time. But it was his fault. He only thought about himself when it came to our relationship. Himself and Aiden. I didn't fit in that equation and I just had to show him how it felt. But it was my fault that he was here. He was probably drinking because of me. I felt so guilty.

After what felt like forever, there was a banging at my door. I set him down gently on the ground before rushing over to the door. I opened it and two people dressed in uniform came in. A man and a woman. "Scott, what is your boyfriend's name?" The woman asked me.

"A-Avi, Avi Kaplan," I replied shakily.

The man went over to him. He opened one of Avi's eyes and shone a light on it. "Avi, if you can hear me, we are going to get you to the hospital as soon as possible," He spoke loudly.

The woman wheeled in a gurney into my apartment. I rushed into my room to get a jacket and my keys. I was going to the hospital with him whether they liked it or not. I came back out. "Can you help us lift him?" The man asked me.

"Ok," I walked over to him and lifted him up and placed him on the gurney. They wheeled him out and I followed behind. I locked the door and continued to walk behind them.

We made it outside and they put him into the back of the van. They let me into the back of the van and went into the front of it. The drive began. I was alone with him in the back. I held his hand during the whole journey. I just watched him as he had an oxygen mask on his face. No one should ever see their lover like this and it broke my heart.

"Please wake up, baby," I whispered, desperately. "You have to wake up," I held his hand close to my face taking in the warmth he still had. I looked over his body and saw his chest rise. He was breathing again. I exhaled in relief and let my tears of happiness fall.

We eventually made it to the hospital and they wheeled him out into the hospital. I followed them. "I'm sorry sir but you have to wait here," The man stopped me. I nodded and sat in one of the chairs and tried to calm down. He was in safe hands now. He was going to be okay.

I brought my phone out and called Mitch. The phone rang. He didn't pick up. I called again and no response. I called one more time and he picked up. "Yes, Scott," He spoke first in an agitated tone.

"Avi is in hospital,"

There was a pause. "What?" He questioned with confusion clear in his tone.

"You need to get here as soon as possible, I'll explain everything,"

"A-Alright, I'm on my way," He cut the call and soon enough I was left alone in anticipation, waiting for a doctor to tell me he's ok.

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