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The officer returned an hour later to witness me still sobbing into my hands. He unlocked the cell. "You're free to go," He informed me. I wiped my face clear of my tears and left the cell.

I collected my things from the officer and began to head to the exit. Mitch was waiting there with his arms crossed and as soon as he saw me, he had a look on his face that I could only interpret as disappointment.

I walked towards him very slowly. As I got closer, he noticed my red, bloodshot eyes. His expression softened as I slumped my way past him. I walked out of the station without saying a word to him.

I walked down the steps into the street and began to head towards my car. "Scott, are you ok?" Mitch asked me. I didn't even realise that he was following behind me. I kept silent and kept walking. We got to the car and entered it. I sat and just stared out the window. "I'm not starting the car till you say something," Mitch huffed.

I tear rolled down my cheek before I let it all go. I rested my head on the dashboard and cried. "I screwed up," I punched the dashboard in frustration. "I ruined my fucking record trying to beat up Aiden,"

"Why would you go and beat him up in the first place?"

"I couldn't let him walk around without feeling the consequences of his actions. He needed to know that what he did was wrong. Mitch, he could've killed hi-"

"Please stop repeating that," He cut me off. "What if the police weren't that nice to you Scott? Who knows how long you'd be put away,"

"I know, I screwed up,"

"More than that. You nearly ruined your life," I sniffled at his response as I wiped my tears. He put the key in the ignition and sighed. "I'm not saying this to be mean. I just really want you to think about your actions. Please be careful Scott,"

"I will," I smiled sadly at him. He started the car and began driving. "S-So how's Avi?"

"Physically or emotionally?"

"I guess both,"

"Well physically, he's doing great. Doctors say he can be released in a couple days,"

"That's good,"

"Emotionally, he's confused and angry. Angry at you, mostly," Mitch responded. I sighed.

"How's the moving going?" I asked curiously.

"It's a messy process right now. We've found two different places. A one bedroom and a two bedroom. We still need to decide but we need to move out of our dorms by the end of the week and with Avi in hospital right now, everything is moving slower than it needs to,"

"Well, you could put all your stuff in my apartment till you decide," I suggested. "I have the space,"

"Are you sure about that? I don't want our stuff to cause any trouble,"

"No trouble at all. It's the least I could do," I responded with a smile. "Hey, you and Avi could even move in with me. I have a spare room,"

"We we're going to move into an apartment with Alex too, though,"

"In that case, Avi could move in with me and you and Alex can move into that one bedroom apartment,"

"That's perfect. Thank you, Scott,"

"It's no problem,"

We eventually made it back to the hospital. We parked and entered, heading to Avi's room.

We opened the door to see him sat on his bed, turned away from the door. "Avi," Mitch softly called out for him. He turned around and revealed his bloodshot eyes to us.

He got up and rushed over to me. His arms wrapped around me tightly as he buried his head in my chest. He began sobbing vehemently. "I'll...I'll come back," Mitch said before leaving the room, giving us privacy.

I held him tightly and began to feel my emotions rise to surface. "I'm so sorry Avi," I apologised as I felt tears fall from eyes. "I'm sorry for everything,"

"Why did you have to go do that, Scott?" He asked me in between sobs. "I was so scared you wouldn't come back,"

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. But if you know what he would've done to you...I couldn't let someone so disgusting walk around without feeling the consequences,"

"Never do anything like that ever again,"

"I-I won't,"

"Do you promise?"

"I promise,"

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