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I was in my car driving to the college campus. I was swerving down streets like a maniac. I couldn't think straight. My heart rate was at an alarming high. How dare he do something like that to my baby.

I arrived at the campus and parked my car. I got out and just waited by my car. I scanned the surrounding area. He was no where in sight. I continued to wait, stalking the area like a hawk.

I was waiting for almost half an hour when I finally spotted him. Suddenly my anger began to bubble as I watched him walk, alone. I took my chance and began charging to him.

He spotted me and began to back away. Wrath painted my face red and if anything his blood would paint my fists red, too. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" I questioned him as I got closer.

He sprinted away from me but I chased after him. He wasn't going to get away easily.

He was fast but not fast enough. I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to a wall. I slammed him against it, hard. He groaned in pain. "I've got a couple questions for you, asshole,"

"Get your hands off of me," He demanded as he tried to get my hands off his collar. I gripped on to it tighter.

"Make me," I growled as my face got closer to his. He shoved me off of him and I shoved back. He swung at me but I ducked and pushed him against the wall.

"H-Hey dude, take it easy," He nervously spoke as my grip got tighter.

"Why the fuck would you try to drug Avi?" I questioned in an aggressive tone. He looked away from me but I slammed him against the wall again.

"Can you just chill? You're gonna break my back," He whined.

"I'll break more than that if you don't fucking answer my question," My grip tightened once again making it harder for him to breathe. "Why would you drug Avi?" I repeated. He looked away from me. A smug look started to form on his face. "Answer me," I shouted.

He chuckled lowly. "He was right where I wanted him so I took a shot," He answered. "I knew it was probably going to be the last time I would see him so I had to shoot my shot,"

"By drugging him?" I questioned completely disgusted by his response. He shrugged his shoulders. I felt like throwing up in my mouth. I landed a punch in his stomach, making him winded. He fell out of my grip onto the ground trying to catch his breath.

I heard him begin to chuckle, menacingly. I grabbed him by the collar once again. "What's so fucking funny?" I asked as I tightened my grip around his neck.

He continued laughing despite the lack of air going to his brain. "You don't deserve him," He choked out.

I slammed his body on the wall as hard as I could. "What did you just say?" I growled.

"You heard me," He groaned. "You don't deserve him. He could've been mine till you came and took him from me,"

"He's not a doll that you can manipulate or pass around,"

"He's pretty enough to be one" He remarked.

I felt like I was going to throw up in my mouth at what he said. I punched him right in the gut. "You're fucking sick," I replied in disgust.

"Lovesick and Avi is the cure," I punched him again to shut him up. "You should've seen him at the party. He was crying about how much you hated him and how he felt unwanted by everyone. Except for me. He came to me. Not you. Do you want to know why? Because he wants me,"

"You're delusional,"

"Am I? I mean let's face it. He doesn't want you Scott. He wants me. I'm the man of his dreams,"

"Oh, that's rich," I laughed in his face.

"I can see it in the way he looks at me. He wants me to make him feel good. Did you ever make him feel good?" I punched him in the face once again to stop him talking. "You're losing him and you don't even know it,"

"Shut up," I growled, punching him in the face.

"Aww, what's the matter? Is what I'm saying getting to you?"

"I said shut up," I growled again. I could feel my blood boil towards him. I was taking his words to heart. I had heard everything he said from Avi. I didn't want to hear it again.

"Do you want to know what I would've done to your boy if he stayed with me that night?" He questioned.

"Answer that question and it'll be the last thing you say,"

"I would've had my way with him as the drugs took over him. He'd be my toy to fuck over and over and over again. To claim and own. I'd leave him marked up and begging for more,"

"I'm going to kill you, you fucking maniac," I shouted before throwing him down onto ground and strangling him. He began to laugh louder and louder, like the Joker.

"He would've been moaning: 'More, Aiden, more! Give more of your cock. I've wanted it so bad' He would've forgotten all about you," He continued to mock me, only making me more infuriated.

"You could've fucking killed him," I punched him in the nose and watched as the blood poured out of his nose.

People around us were screaming for someone to call the cops. Some were even recording. But I didn't care. My only concern was killing Aiden.

I heard footsteps coming towards us. A pair of strong hands grabbed a hold of me and began to pull me off him. I tried getting if their grip to finish the job. "We arresting you for the assault of this young man," A mans voice told me. I tried to wriggle out of their hands but it didn't work.

I have Aiden one last kick in the stomach before I was pulled away. My arms were handcuffed together and I was thrown into the back of a police car. The car started and we began to head to the police office.

Euphoria.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora