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a/n: i should've said this at the start but please read Allure before reading this.

"Mrs Kaplan, Avi is in a coma," Mitch spoke to Avi's mother through the phone. The doctor was still out so Mitch decided to call Avi's parents. I could hear his mother scream through the phone and it broke my heart. Their conversation continued.  "How long will it take you to get here?" He asked her.

I was still in the process of calming myself down. I just couldn't help but feel guilty. It was all my fault and no one could tell me otherwise. What if he didn't even make it to my apartment? Who knows what could've happened. "Alright, I'll see you then," Mitch ended the call. "Avi's mom is on her way,"

"Do you think she knows about me?" I asked curiously. Avi never really talked about his parents to me since we've been together.

"He hasn't mentioned her?" He questioned and I shook my head. "She'll love you. Don't worry," He rubbed my back.

The doctor returned. "Sorry about that," He apologised. "It's pretty busy right now so I have to go but I can take you to him,"

"Alright," Mitch responded to him. He turned to me. "Scott, are you ready to see him?" He asked me in a soft tone. I nodded. We both got up and left his office. We followed behind him to Avi's room. I felt Mitch hold my hand. He stroked it, calming me down a little. We continued to walk through the hallway.

The doctor stopped in front of a door. We were there. "He's in there. Go in when you're ready. I'll be back later," He informed us before running towards a nurse who was calling out for him.

"Mitch, I don't know if I'm ready to go in," I admitted nervously. It was scary enough seeing him collapse right in front of me.

"I'll be here too don't worry,"

He opened the door into the room that was lit by a single white light that was over his bed. My heart broke when I saw him laying  there in a hospital gown with an oxygen mask covering his face. His skin was so pale like porcelain. He looked so tranquil.

We got closer to him. He was hooked up to so many different machines. Guilt took over my body and I just sobbed. "It's all my fault,"

Mitch sat me down on one of the seats by his bed and held me close. I was inconsolable. My tears soaked up his shirt as I cried. I held him tight as I let everything pour out of me.


Hours had passed and I calmed down. I was holding Avi's hand to keep me at ease. The fact that I could still hold his hand was good enough. "Scott, can I ask you something?" Mitch ended the silence. I nodded. "How are things going to move forward for you and Avi?"

"We're going to need to talk things out before anything. I just want us to be ok again," I answered, truthfully. "I still love him,"

"Why did you avoid him for so long?"

"Because I was mad it him. Things he said hurt me, like, I was shocked I never knew he could be so hurtful. So I avoided him to show him I was hurt,"

"I guess that's understandable but you could've at least come to his graduation,"

"You're probably not going to believe me but I did go," I admitted. "I have a video to prove it. I had to go, I wanted to see him graduate. I cheered and everything,"

The door opened and the doctor returned. He came in with a nurse. She was holding a tray with tools on it. I looked at it with a worried expression. "I just need to do another physical analysis," He reassured.

"I'm going to go to the cafeteria to get some food, do you want anything?" Mitch asked me.

"Some fruit?"

"Alright," He got up and left the room. I went back to looking at what the doctor was doing. He opened one of Avi's eyes and  and shined a light into it.

"Does Avi wear contact lenses?" The doctor asked me and I nodded. "His contacts have slid off his cornea, so i'm going to need to take them out. Does he have a pair of glasses that he could use when he wakes up?"

"We don't have them with us now but we can get them," I replied. The doctor took a pair of tweezers off the tray and pulled the lenses out of his eye. He placed it on a dish and continued with the other eye. He put the tweezers down and continued his assessment.

The doctor lifted Avi's and furrowed his brow in confusion. "This is strange. There's dried blood here,"

My heart dropped as I felt panic return. "Blood?" I questioned with worry clear in my tone. He picked up a cotton swab and swabbed the area on his arm before cleaning it up.

He picked up a bandaid from the tray and placed it on his arm. "I think we've just discovered how the tranquilliser entered his system,"

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