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We were in an interrogation room. Me and a police officer. I sat their silently whilst he just eyeballed me. "So, I've been looking at your record and it's absolutely clean. What pushed you to beat up that boy?" The officer questioned. I looked everywhere but at him. "Are you going talk?" The officer asked me. I just sat there, looked at him, and then away again. He huffed in impatience. "Would you like some ice for you knuckles? They look like they're bruising," He suggested. I looked at him and away again. "You know I have the power to let you go without bail. We can pretend this never happened," He tried to bargain with me, but I stayed quiet "Will you at least state your name for the tape?"

"I'm exercising my right to remain silent," I responded. The officer rolled his eyes at me and I flashed a smug grin at him.

"Why the fuck aren't you speaking?" The officer aggressively questioned.

"That's not a very professional choice of words, now is it?" I commented.

"Give me a break. We've been sitting here for a whole hour and you haven't said a word. Why aren't you speaking?"

"Because I shouldn't be here,"

"And why shouldn't you be here?"

"I didn't do anything wrong," I replied. The officer looked surprised.

"So are you saying, beating up that boy and shouting you're going to kill him isn't wrong?" He sarcastically questioned. "Of course that's a thing only saints do. Beat up people for no reas-"

"You don't know the circumstances," I interrupted him.

He got all up in my face with an angered expression. "I don't need the circumstances to have you put in jail. And right now you're starting to really piss me off,"

"If you put me in jail, you'll be letting that psycho run free to do whatever he pleases," I growled, still trying to stand my ground. "Do you want that on your conscience? That little maniac drugged my fucking boyfriend, almost killing him, just to carry out his sick, perverted fantasy-"

"Perverted fantasy?" The officer repeated confused.

"As I was punching his face he was mocking me by telling me all about how he'd fuck my boyfriend while he was all drugged up," I shuddered in disgust. "I feel sick just talking about it. He's the one you should be questioning, not me. But since I'm here you'll just arrest me...because you can,"

"When did all of this take place?" The officer asked me curiously.

"Three weeks ago now," I replied.

"Why wasn't this reported?"

"Because my boyfriend was in a coma for those three weeks. We didn't know what had happened until he told us,"

"When did he tell you this?"


"Do you know the name of the boy you were beating up?"

"Aiden...Kaluza, I think,"

"Alright, well thank you for your long awaited cooperation," He stopped the tape recording. "We will be looking into this case,"

"Do I get my one phone call now?" I asked impatiently, hardly remembering what he said.

"S-Sure," He responded. I got up and left the room. I went to one of the phones and called Mitch.

"Hello?" Mitch first spoke first.

"H-Hey, Mitch," I nervously greeted him.

I heard movement in the background. I assumed he left Avi's room. "This isn't your phone number, where the hell are you?" He questioned in a hushed tone.

"I-I'm in a police station," I answered nervously, bracing myself for his loud response.

"What the fuck did you?" He shouted at me. I flinched at his tone even though I expected it.

"I went to talk to Aiden,"

"What, with your fists?" He sarcastically replied.

"If you heard what he said-"

"Scott, you could go to jail because of this. You know that right?"

"I do but I couldn't let the maniac walk around like he didn't do anything wrong. He nearly killed Avi,"

"I know that but if you go to jail there'll be no one to protect Avi from him. And you know how Avi is,"

"You can protect him. He listens to you,"

"It may not seem like it but he does listen to you too. Believe me. And if you aren't their for him, he'll never forgive you,"

"I know, I know," I repeated. I sighed to fill in our silence. "How is he?" I questioned.

"Mad at you and himself. He keeps beating up himself about this whole thing," I sighed deeply. "It's really sad,"

"Can you come and get me, please?" I asked, hoping for a yes. There was a silence for a while. "Mitch?"

"Alright. I'll be there in an hour,"

"One more thing. Do you have a drivers license?" I questioned curiously.

"Yeah, why?"

"Could you bring my car? I left my keys in there like an idiot,"

"Anything else, your highness?" He questioned sarcastically.

"Tell Avi I'm sorry,"

"I will. See you in an hour,"

"Bye," I put the phone down.

The officer left the interrogation room and approached me. "Come with me," The officer spoke as he grabbed my arm. He took me to a holding cell. I sat down on a bench in the cell and watched as the officer locked it shut. "We'll be keeping you in here till someone comes to get you,"

He walked away, leaving me all alone in the cell. I sighed as I put my head in my hands and cried silently to myself as I felt all my emotions hit me at once.

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