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a/n: To everyone who is slightly confused by the change in perspective I have decided to change the perspective due to the fact that I have been struggling to continue to write in the first person. Thank you to everyone who supported me on this decision. So let's continue with the story!

A couple days later, Avi was released from the hospital. It was a relief to everyone when they were one hundred percent certain that he was going to be ok. He wasn't as strong as he was before entering so he was instructed by his doctors to rest and gradually build up his strength. To Scott, this meant he wasn't allowed to lift a finger. Scott wanted to ensure that he recovered properly, so he decided to help Mitch and Alex with moving their things from the dorm to his apartment.

Mitch and Alex were waiting for Scott downstairs whilst he was still up in his apartment. He was with Avi. Avi was sat on the bed cross-legged in Scott's baggy clothing while Scott was crouched in front of him, holding his hands tenderly. "Are you sure you want to be alone?" Scott asked Avi in a soft tone, gazing into his eyes. "Just say the words and I'll stay," Scott had grown so concerned about him over Avi's time in the hospital and his nightmares had made it a lot worst. Every night Avi was in the hospital, he'd toss and turn at night seeing his lover all messed up in his head. He'd wake up scared to go back to sleep because he wasn't sure if Avi was ok. But when he'd go to the hospital and see him recovering, he knew his dreams were just dreams. Now that Avi was out, Scott felt like he was his protector. It was his sole duty to protect him. He did owe it to him after all.

"Go, I'll be fine," Avi reassured Scott as he caressed Scott's hand, matching his tenderness flashing a warm smile at him. "I'll find something to do,"

"You sure?" Scott questioned in a softer tone and Avi nodded. "Alright," Scott let go of his hands, letting him adjust in the bed. Scott went to his wardrobe to grab his coat and put it on.

Avi was watching him with sad eyes as he moved around, getting ready to leave. "Scott?" Avi called out to him, catching his attention. "When you get back, can we talk?" Avi asked, causing Scott's facial expression to sadden. "Like really, really talk. I-I feel like we haven't talked properly in private for a long time,"

Scott exhaled deeply as he reapproached Avi. "When I get back, we can do whatever you want, alright?" Scott spoke sending a soft smile to Avi. Avi nodded and smiled a sweet smile. He laid in bed, getting all nice and comfortable as Scott picked up his keys and headed for the door. Avi watched him walk away. There was a brief moment in which Scott didn't know how to say bye. He wanted to say "I love you," but he wasn't ready to say it again. He wasn't sure if it was still double-sided and he didn't to get his hopes up until he was certain it was still double-sided. Instead, he said "I'll see you soon," as he pulled on the front doorknob and left the apartment. "Bye Avi," Scott began heading down the stairs to Mitch and Alex with Avi still on his mind.

As soon as Scott stepped foot out of the apartment building, Alex honked his car horn at him. Scott turned around seeing their car. He waved at them and they waved back as they began to drive closer to him. Scott opened the car door and got in. "Hi, sorry that took so long," He apologised. 

"No worries," Mitch replied. "Thanks again, for helping us with this. It's made things a lot easier,"

"It's the least I could do," Scott responded as Alex put the key in the ignition. "Are you guys sure I shouldn't bring my car?"

"I think it should be fine," Alex reassured as he began to drive the car. "We can always come back anyway," 


After an hour of driving, they arrived at the campus. As soon as Scott stepped out of the car, he could feel everyone's eyes on him. He could hear them whispering about him. He tried to drown it out as he walked to the dorm building but he couldn't. He sighed. He was glad that this was probably going to be his last time on campus because he wouldn't be able to deal with the whispers again.

Euphoria.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora