Is this happening

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Her eyes flutter open, she searches the room for me and sighs in relief when she sees me,
"I'm so sorry, please forgive me", she whispers out; my wolf starts to fight for control. I begin to feel dizzy. A week without blood does that to a woman. I open a link with my sister, but she doesn't pick up, making me cry out in frustration. I feel every bit of blood in me pumping trying to keep up with my needs
"Are you ok" I snap my head in her direction, allowing my wolf to take over

Haley pov

"I'm fine, and I understand" I struggle to get out
"I am really sorry. I didn't mean to allow him to mark me", she says. I nod
"While I am not happy that you were marked before me, I am happy to mark over it", I whisper out, the effects of the vampire side starting to affect me
"you're an alpha, aren't you" she questions. I just nod
"mark me" I don't even respond, going up and biting her over the original mark; I feel the vampire side trying to take over, to feed,
'stand down I scream at Emma, making it known she isn't allowed at this moment to feed on our mate
'i can't, so hungry', she gasps out. I lick over the mark quickly before stumbling backwards
"is everything okay?" she asks once again, trying to get up
"stay", I growl out, knowing if she gets any closer, I will lose control. I try and open up a link with Larry's wolf jasmine
"what do you want" she growls
"so hungry, losing control, attack" I cut the link getting ready to fall; the door slams open, and I see larry standing in a dressing gown, looking worried, not caring that my mate is right there watching everything I allow Emma to grab ahold of Larry's arm and sink her teeth in
"thank you", I reply, licking over the wound so it will heal fast larry has a dazed look, obviously coming down from the high
"you're welcome", she replies, running out of the room.
"what the fuck are you" I hear my mate says, not even knowing her name yet
"look..." I wait for her response, hoping she gets what I am trying to get at
"Ashley", she replies
"Look, Ashley, I am not getting into this with you right now; all I can say is you keep it a secret, or I will have to make you", I cry out before slamming the door, furious that she would even look at me like that, the puppy dog eyes and all.

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