The kingdom of ashes & the kingdom of fire

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I grab my bag smiling; it is finally time to leave this stupid camp, even if it means I must take my mate. I look over at her form as she shoves the last of her stuff into her bag. she wants to bring five bags! We got in a huge fight, and she finally agreed one would be best. "ready," I growl, wishing she wasn't coming with me "you growl a lot, and yes", she states, picking up her bag. I glare but head forwards anyway out the door.

I look over at the gate to see two groups, one who is all trying to rush out the door at once and another who is staying behind at camp. My sister got permission to take a bunch of the last years to the summer pack. The pack is medium-sized, but they are the only pack that doesn't go to camp. I would love to know how they do it. Most of the mate couples have decided to go state jumping, and my pack, well, other than the last years and the mated couples, are staying behind. I open up a mind link telling them all to behave and stay on guard while I am away. They begged me to stay with them, but I am not passing on this opportunity to find out the truth.

"you showed", I just nod at him "and you brought your mate", I nod again "the name is Ashley," she says, smiling at him. "John", he shakes back ", we should get going. I guess you are going to carry her so we can get there faster" I look at her and her bag. "I guess", she smiles, jumping onto my back "here, let m take the bags" we nod our thanks handing them over and leaving.

Our first stop was the kingdom of ashes since it is the closest to the camp only took a day and a half to run. And that was only because Ashley couldn't hold her bladder longer than 3 hours each time.

"ah, john back, I see, with guests" On some random guard days, all John does is nod "can we please talk to the king and queen in the morning?" the guy looks at me with a sleeping Ashley "you brought wolfs with you" he questions, I then realise I have my smell is hidden I unhide it. His face shifts to realisation "of course you can, I will get the best room for them, and you can have your regular room" John just nods and starts having a convo with the guy who is leading us inside.

"This will be your room" I smile at the guy and walk Ashley and me in; John drops our bags and lets me know he will be back in the morning. It takes me to the king at the queen. I lay Ashley done on the bed. We are staying here two nights, then we are heading to the kingdom of fire, also known as the werewolf kingdom. "are we there yet" I laugh "yes, we are; if you open your eyes, you will see that you are indeed on a bed" she opens one eye and looks at the room "it is so beautiful" I nod "not as beautiful as you" I look at her and see the lust in her eyes. "I need to sleep", I muse. She nods, moving over slightly.

I wake up to a knocking at the door "come in", I yell. John walks in smiling "get dressed. It's time" I bolt up and run around, forgetting he is there until I am just in my bra, and I hear Ashley growl. I laugh. Finishing getting ready, "you coming or?" I question Ashley. She nods, running into the bedroom from the bathroom and falling into step next to me.

As I walk in, I bow my head "no need to bow, my dear, we know who you are; you are the rightful owner of the crown" I lift my head up "how will this work? You see, I am next in line for the alpha title at my pack in New Zealand. I am the luna for my mate's pack, which is confusing in itself, let alone adding in the rightful queen of both vampires and werewolves." the king looks behind me "queen and king of the werewolves, nice of you to join us, I am guessing you heard all of that?" the queen questions "yes I did, we are so glad that the poor queens didn't have to travel to my kingdom as well" the queen of the werewolf says. Ashley and I look at each other in question "how it will work simple" they say at once. "you shall merge the two packs into one, both sharing the alpha and luna duties " the werewolf queen says smiling at us ". In contrast, the new pack will move to whichever castle you want as home. The other is a holiday home, and your VIC will take over the throne, acting as the king, while your mate will act as the queen. But you could always be addressed as queen, and luna it is. However you see fit." the vampire queen smiles "we will go to the kingdom of fire tomorrow to cast you as queen, and you can make your decision on which home from there; we understand camp won't be done for three months so you can spend the two weeks together working everything out and once camp is done move the pacts to the castle." we nod in understanding. hand in hand we walk towards the door to go rest when I hear the king of the vampire speak again "oh and VIC when you are at camp that is when everyone will be united, a full moon and a second blood moon fall on the same day. There are three blood moons this year" I just nod, taking Ashley's hand so we can go have some fun, my wolf begging to take her once again.

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