Chapter 9

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3 Months later

"Hoseokie where are the keys?" Yoongi asked his new partner, who was quite clumsy.

"I don't know, ask  Y/n. She probably knows." he responded making Yoongi grumble.

Yoongi walked up to the kitchen were Y/n and Jungkook were talking and hugging.

"Sorry to interrupt your intimate time or whatever but do you know where the keys are?" Yoongi apologetically asked.

"The keys are in the living room, bottom right drawer. Make sure to call PD-nim too!" Y/n said making Yoongi nod and smile.

Ever since the boys found their partners which were Namjoon and Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi, V and Jimin and Y/n and Jungkook. It was quite hard for PD-nim to accept that we all were gay except one and the one who wasn't gay dated a foreigner.

He was furious since the boys haven't contacted him for almost half a year. After awhile he accept Y/n and all the boys being gay. He wanted the boys back, but the boys refused saying they like it here where they are more.

So now BTS is taking a one year break, and of course people were sad and confused on why and BTS replied with "We have found out that life is more than just performing, dancing and singing. We love spending time with people we love and care for. For Army, we would like to tell you that we are dating and very happy. Maybe in the future we will reveal our partner but not now. We still love ARMY so very much!~BTS"

Since then, Y/n and BTS have become like family, they trusted each other a lot more now. It was like a beautiful story for them, they would as a group watch movie and cuddle, they'd eat together, chat and play hide and seek. It was all too fun. Too perfect as some would say. One thing that they did, was a  monthly thing, which was sing together. It relaxed everyone and created a happier atmosphere.

After they released the message many were baffled and sad and highly confused at why this was so sudden. That's also when rumors started about them dating other KPop idols. They loved seeing people be so clueless about who they were dated.

Many said " I think its only the Hyungs, the Maknae line is too young." That really irritated Taehyung and Jungkook. They decided it was time to stop these false accusations.

"It has been a few months since we announced our break and we would like to clear all of your questions. No, none of us are dating K-pop idols, well we technically are. Namjoon and Jin are dating, Taehyung and Jimin are dating, Yoongi and Hoseok are dating. For Jungkook he is dating a girl, a half Korean half African, who's a peditrician. Maybe someday he'll reveal her to the world but right now not. Please do not hate the members for their decision of who they date. Thank you for your understanding!"

PD-nim confirmed the message and sent it out. Many reactions were shocked and happy but some were just simply mean and nasty. Y/n really did love Jungkook and Jungkook was head to toe's for her. They loved each other and nothing would stop that.

Since Y/n was basically rich and she was able to occupy all of the members including herself. Jungkook always asked why her house was so gianormous but all she said was because she thought her friends would live with her but they didn't.

The boys really did enjoy the elevator, the underground water park and garden and pool. It was such a mansion for such a little girl. Y/n would always have to clean after the boys since they make a  huge mess. She didn't mind but Jungkook.

"Guys! V, Hoseok clean up after yourself!" Jungkook shouted causing them to flinch

"Kookie babe, it's okay-" Y/n tried to confront  him

"NO it's not! They take your humbleness for granted!" he said

"We will-ahhhh Hoseok" V giigled while Hoseok tickled him causing the pillows to go flying.

"These boys seriously." Y/n whispered.

For Y/n she was really happy with the way her life was going. She had the love of her life and the best friends anyone could ask for!

Maybe she could finally say she's home.


Thats the end of part 1 of Welcome home!

Hope you enjoy this book . Part 2 will be out soon



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They literally met in the streets and had a photoshoot. this.

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