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"Tord you seem upset..." she muttered, taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm not." He said reassuringly.


He sighed. "I don't want to ruin the mood babe..."

"Tord if something is the matter, I want to know." She sighed softly. "Please..."

"I'm leaving... Sunday..." he said, looking down the the table.

"What? Where? Why?"

"Next week is a perfect time to strike. And there... there's a chance I..."

She gasped and covered her mouth. Her eyes began watering. "Tord promise me you'll come back!"

"I cant-"

"Tord what happens to me and the baby when you're gone? Where will I live? Where will I go?"

"I don't-"

"I'm coming with you then."

"No, you aren't."

"If you can't promise your own safety, then I'm going."

"This is what you agreed to (Y/N)! When you agreed to marry me you agreed to watch me fight against the world, go into fights I Amy never make it back from!"

"I also agreed to stay by your side, and this is exactly what I plan to do! I'm not letting you die alone Tord!"

"This isn't up for discussion!"

"If you die I'll be alone! Paul and Patryck have to go with you. I'll be all alone here, unable to do shit for you!"

"You're staying with Edd." He shook his head. "And knowing you're safe while I'm doing something like this is enough..."

"Tord what am I going to do without you?" She whimpered.

"You're strong (Y/N)." He smiled. "You'll be perfectly fine."

She nodded and drank some more, her eyes never leaving Tord. Tord couldn't look up at her.  He knew she hurt, and he couldn't do it. He couldn't bare to see the look on her eyes.

She abruptly stood up, and he knew she was leaving...

Except she didn't. She sat right next to him, and moved his head towards her gaze. She placed her lips against his, and soon laid her head on his chest.

Thank god they were at home and not at a restaurant like he planned. "Promise you'll come home." She said quietly.

"You know I cant-"

"Do it or I'm coming with you." She snapped.

"I promise I'll come home as soon as I can baby. I promise."

"Good." She muttered, her eyes growing tired from the sound of his heart beat.


The week was spent together, never separating for even a second. Except you know, to go to the bathroom. It was now Saturday, and (Y/N) was dressed beautifully in a white gown, as she approached Tord.

Today was the last she would see of him for a while, maybe even forever. The moment their eyes met, her heart started hammering out of her chest. She bit her lip as Paul began doing the preachers job, and tears flew out of her eyes as Tord gave his vows.

They kissed, and Paul left the newly married couple to themselves. Slow music was playing, and Tord was dancing with (Y/N) in the large empty room.

She had never thought of him to be so graceful, and never expected him to be as good at dancing as he was. By the end of the song, they were just swaying to the beat of their hearts, and both could agree it was bittersweet.

Both knew today might be their last together, but Tord didn't know she would do everything in her power to get him safely home. He knew who he married, but he didn't know the true power of her anger.

All she had to do was let it explode.

That's why when she said goodbye to him the last time she didn't put up a fight. She had a plan, and it would work. She would help him achieve his goal, and help him come back.

For now though, her and the hand anxiously sat in front of the Tv, hearing the newest terror attacks brought on by Tord and his army. As horrible as it was, she found piece knowing he was well enough to bring others Miss fortune.

"Dear world-" Tord said, cutting through the news broadcast. "A war is on the rise, and if you lay down your guns and surrender peacefully, we will stop these attacks around the world. All you have to do, is convince the government of the right choice.

"I hope you know what that is, world."

The Tv returned to the stunned newsmen, who were shaking in their seats. (Y/N) stole Edds computer, and hacked into the broadcasting system as well.

"Hello everyone, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). Please, for the sake of our people and civilians, surrender. You don't have to trust me, but believe that this is the right path... I know it's scary, but don't be afraid. Just obey what the red army says, and everything will be just fine..."

Was it wrong to use her influence on others? In everyone's mind yes, but Tord mind, no. He smiled to himself once he saw her on screen.

"That's my girl..." he muttered.

The Singer and The TerroristWhere stories live. Discover now