Calling it off.

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I hadnt spoken to Ramin for two week and i still felt really agitated for what he said. I was never in it for the money. If i could do a free concert for all my fans i would but i need to survive also. Hadley tried to talk me out of my mood but i wouldnt give in, not until Ramin apologised and i could tell he meant it. If he doesnt then i am calling this whole thing off. I walked along the beach of Sandiego which is where our tour took us after Paris. The show was tonight and i was going to have to sing Beneath a moonless sky with Ramin and i really didnt want to.

I heard someone call my name and turned around. A young 18 year old girl was running towards me tears streaming in her eyes.

"Oh my god it is you!" I smiled and she got her phone out.

"Am i ok to take a picture with you?"

"Of course you are sweetie" She smiled and posed the same as me. We took quite a few photos.

"Im so glad i got to meet you. I knew you were in town and i was so nervous that i was going to bump into you on the streets and not be able to speak."

"Oh bless you. Dont be nervous im just a normal human being"

"But you're Sierra Boggess. You are like my Queen. You are my Beyonce"

"Im not that good. Thank you though. Are you coming to the show tonight?" She suddenly lost her smile.

"No my mum tried to get tickets but they sold out too quick" i smiled and nodded.

"Very well. You will just have to watch it from backstage wont you" She looked at me confused.

You Are getting a backstage pass. You will meet me, Ramin and Hadley. Then you will watch the show" Tears filled in her eyes and she hugged me.

"Thank you. Thank you so so much" I smiled and rooted through my bag.

"Here take this. I will write the time and the meeting place. We will go for a starbucks then we will go to the Venue. How does that sound?"

"Too good to be true. I honestly cant thank you enough" She wiped her tears.

"Well i need to go so i shall meet you at 5pm at the starbucks i wrote on their. Wait i forgot to ask your name?"

"Oh Anabeth"

"Such a beautiful name. Very Unique"

"Thank you. Anyway i will see you later Miss Boggess"

"Its Sierra" i laughed and she nodded. We both then headed our seperate ways. I headed back to the hotel to get ready. Ramin stood about to knock on my door. Flowers in hand.

"What do you want Ramin?" He turned and faced me. A sad smile on his face.

"To give you an apology. I shouldnt of said what i said. I know you arnt in it for the money. I know you love your fans. I was stupid and you were right. I should focus on us as a pair if we are to make this believable. Please forgive me Sie?"

"I need to think about it Ramin. You really hurt me what you said and its not something i can easily forgive. We will talk about it later. Meet me here at 4:45. Bring Hadley, we are going somewhere..." He nodded and handed me the flowers and walked off towards his room.

I felt guilty for not accepting his apology but he needed to know he had upset me. I wasnt going to just crawl back like a lost puppy.

4:45 quickly came around and Ramin and Hadley were stood waiting for me. We walked down to starbucks and i explained what was happening. I sort of made a dig at Ramin but i didn't care. He deserves to know how much it annoyed me.

We met Anabeth at the starbucks and a woman stood beside her.

"Hi. So you werent lying then?" The woman said exictedly

"Nope. She didnt believe what happened which is understandable i guess. But here they are mum"

"right thats fine. What time would you say i should pick her up.?"

"Erm well the concert finishes at 10 so around about 10:20. We will wait with her till you come." She nodded and hugged Anabeth.

"Thank you so much for what you have done. I can see why you're her rolemodel."

"Mum. You're embarassing me" i laughed and so did Ramin and Hadley. Her mum left and we all ordered a coffee and sat by a window which showed a pretty view. Ramin sat by me and Hadley sat near Anabeth.

"So How long have you guys been together now?" Anabeth asked.

"About six months" i replied

"Six months, three week and four days" Ramin stated. I looked at him as he smiled at me.

"Thats so cute" I smiled awkwardly.

"Anyway. Anabeth what do you do ?" Hadley asked.

"Im in my second year of College studying Musical Theatre." Ramin shifted uncomfortably in his chair and i looked at him wierdly.

"Thats cool. Are you a triple threat?" I asked.

"Im not a very good dancer but i try."

"Thats the best you can do" Hadley smiled. Hadley had broken up with his girlfriend that morning and i could see some intrest towards Anabeth. They hit it off straight away.

"So we better get going to the show" Ramin said standing up.

Something was up with him and i was deffinitly going to find out. Even if i was mad at him.

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