Cheated by love

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Tam stood up and made his way towards me.

"Tam. You are with Mandy. And im with Ramin and we broke up for a reason. None of us were happy" Tam shook his head.

"Thats the past. We can try again!"

"I dont want to try again! I want Ramin and will always want Ramin" I felt Annabeth grab my hand for support.

"Sierra...Ramin is cheating on you. I walked in the other day on him and mandy...they were in bed...together." I felt my heart break into a million pieces. He wouldnt do that. Ever!

"You're lying!" Anabeth shouted.

"I wish i was. He doesnt deserve you Sierra. You know this is whats for the best."

"I...i dont know whats the best anymore. However if you think im just going to come crawling back to you then you're a joke. Im speaking to Ramin about this situation and getting his side of the story."

"Fine. Dont take me back...for now...but you'll come running as soon as you find out the truth" He spat out as he walked behind me and out of my door.

"Ramin. Pleasure to see you again" He said happily as if nothing had just happened as he passed Ramin who was at my door. I kept my back turned away facing the window. Anabeth kept her hand securley in mine rubbing my back.

"Why was he here?" Ramin asked as he placed his arms around my waist after Anabeth let go of me. I untangled myself from him and sat down. Ramin looked at me confused.

"Anabeth can you explain please. I need to go for a walk"

"Erm...sure". Anabeth said worridly. I stood up and walked past Ramin.

Ramins pov:

"Well whats happened?"

"Erm...well..." Anabeth fumbled with her hands. Thinking how to tell me what Sierra was so wound up about.

"We came back to the dressing room and Tam was here. He told Sierra he wanted to get back with her and-"

"Wait...shes not actually thinking about it is she?" I interupted.

" least i dont think so. She said she wouldnt get back with him because it didnt work out the first time. They werent happy. He then said they can try again. She said no she wants you and only you"

"So why didnt she tell me that. Why has she gone on a walk?"

"Tam told Sierra that he walked in on you and erm...well you and"

"SPIT IT OUT ANABETH..." i watched as she winced and quickly apologised.

"You were saying?"

"He was saying that he walked in on you and Mandy. In bed. Together"

"WHAT. THAT NEVER HAPPENED. I WOULD NEV-...i need to find Sierra now!" i ran out through the theatre to the park around the corner. I found Sierra near the lake sat looking out.

"You know i would never cheat on you right. You know i love you more than anything in the world"

Sierras pov;

"You know i would never cheat on you right. You know i love you more than anything in the world" i couldnt bare to look at him.

"I know Ramin. I just needed to think"

"Sierra when i met you i didnt know you would mean this much to me. You are my life. Everything i need to keep me going. You are my Christine. I would kill for you in an instance. I need you in my life. This is such a crappy moment i know but i need you to know how much you mean to me! Sierra just look at me please. I need you to" i stood up and turned around to be faced with Ramin on one knee. A ring in his hand.

"I know i only just gave you a promise ring but i cant wait any longer to have you as my wife. I know this is what i want and if its what you want then you will make me the happiest person alive. So Sierra Majory Boggess...Marry me. Thats all i ask of you" i smiled and pulled Ramin up and placed my lips on his.

"Yes. A million times over" He picked me up and spun me round. Before placing the ring on my finger.

"I love you Ramin"

"I love you Si"

"No more lies. No more secrets. Whatever happens in our lives. Happens together. Promise" Ramin stated.

"I promise"

"And nothing happened to me and Mandy. Nothing at all"

"I believe you Ramin. I always have. Tam will say anything to get what he wants. I already know."

"God i love you"

"I love you too" i said chuckling.

"Oh i should probably mention something really important" i quickly said.

"Go on"

I got really close up to Ramins ear and whispered what i had been scared to tell him.

"You're going to be a father"

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