A dare for Sierra or Hadley.

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we arrived off of the plane in Toronto and headed through towards baggage to collect our belongings. Ramins hand stayed secruley in mine and Hadley and Anabeth walked behind us laughing about god knows what!

"What happened between them two at the resturant. We never found out!"

"Oh i forgot to tell you...Hadley came around last night before you did. He explained that they ended up having a date and are going on another while they're here" Ramin smiled and looked back at them both.

"I though Katie made him smile but Anabeth...man shes something else to him!" I nodded, agreeing with Ramin and smiling at him.

"So what time are we setting off to meet your parents?" I asked nervously.

"Once we get to the hotel we will unpack and then we will head off to the cafe we are meeting them at. They will be there for 2pm" i nodded and felt Ramin squeeze my hand.

"My parents are going to love you. They already know how amazing you are. Why would it be any different now?"

"Because now im not just your friend...im your girlfriend. I have to be good enough for your parents"

"And you are!" I sighed and Ramin kissed my head.

"Even if they dont like you as my girlfriend, which they will, i wont leave you. Not now. Not ever. I wont let them ruin my happiness. However they wont and We will be fine" i buried my head in his kneck and we continued out of the airport. I noticed two familiar faces in the distance. Ramins parents!!

"Ramin. You said they were meeting us at a cafe. I havnt had time to prepare"

"They were supposed to...just breath Sie. Everything will be ok!" I walked up his mum who instantly pulled me into a hug.

"Sierra its been so long. I have missed you! Im excited to hear you sing again!"

"Hey Mrs K" She smiled at my nickname for her. I always called her it. Even though i knew her real name.

"So hows things going between you two. Is the relationship getting serious. Ramin have you put a ring on it?" Ramin laughed and hugged his mum.

"Nice to see you two mum. How do you know about us?"

"Your brother showed me your instatweet" i laughed at how uneducated she was on social media.

"Instagram darling. Instagram and twitter are two different things." Ramins Dad replied as he came over to me.

"Hey Sierra..." I hugged him back and said hi back.

"Right lets get you to your hotel"

"What about Hadley and Anabeth?" I whispered to Ramin.

"Hadley has hired a car. Hes taking Anabeth to the hotel" i nodded and packed my things in his parents car.

The journey was loud and eventful with Mrs K asking more questions than i would like to answer. Including mine and Ramins...intimate side to the relationship. Ramin just changed topic and Mrs K went along with it. Lord get me through this trip without any more awkward questions.

5 hours later.

After unpacking at the hotel and going for a meal with the Karimloos me and Hadley finally got our starbucks date. Later than planned but we got it.

"So hows things with Anabeth?"

"Really good. Shes meeting me here in an hour and we are going on a date."

"Im so happy for you Had but have you thought about whats going to happen when the tour is over?" Hadleys face dropped

"Im not sure at the moment. Anabeth will be going back for college and graduating so i will see her for that whether we are together or not is a different subject but other than that im not sure"

"you will work it out im sure"

"What about you and Ramin?"

"Hadley we are living together remember. We were living together before this whole situation of dating occured."

"No i mean if you both get jobs. You both have extreme backgrounds and i wouldnt be suprised if you were offered a job on broadway or even touring. Then what?"

"Then we do what everyone else does. We make it work!" I smiled as Hadley nodded.

"So whats the word for this week then?"

He asked, refering to my word every week to look up to.

"Freedom" he made an ok face and then asked.

"How do you plan on using it"

"By just going with the flow. Let things go naturally and not worry about my future. Focus on the now" I smiled and took a sip from my cup.

"Me and ramin have been together a month but it feels so much longer from pretending to be his girlfriend since the beginning of the tour. Its crazy."

"Sierra...our lives are crazy. Its me you and ramin. The dream team..."

"What about Annabeth?" I asked smirking.

"Anabeth is mine and mine only"

"She was my friend first..." i replied sassily.

"Well im sure she would choose me over you"

"Shall we put a bet on it?"

"You're on...£20?" Hadley asked, holding out his hand. I shook it smiling.

"To make it even more intresting how about we ask Ramin the same question...another £20 on the table."


"Ok but if i win both i take the money AND you have to do a forefit!" Hadley added to make it more intresting.

"Fine. Same to you and i have the perfect one for you" i smirked.

"Go on..." he asked as if he didnt actually want to know.

"You have to go on stage tonight at the end, dressed in one if my gowns and perform as Christine Dae in think of me. Singing as a female soprano not tenor."

"Since im so confident im going to win...you're on"

Game on fraiser. Game on! This would be so much fun to watch! Lets just hope my confidence isnt getting the better of me and they both pick me.

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