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Hook's foggy blue eyes slid open to feeling of something pressing a cold and damp cloth to the sides of his face. His vision blurred, he struggled to gather what he saw hovering over him. Blinking some, he began to see blonde hair in a high messy bun and then finally a cute and small face. Tinkerbell, he recognized then focused in on her glistening baby blue eyes. "You're awake, I see..." Tinkerbell spoke then removed the cloth from his face. She then helped to sit Hook up. He placed a hand over his forehead once feeling his headache come on. He then began to notice how hungover he truly felt though he wasn't. He remembered what had happened before he blacked out.

        "Where is everyone?" he managed to speak up but closed his eyes tight with the aching in his head. He then looked at Tinkerbell waiting for an answer.

        "I, I don't know...I heard this loud noise and I felt the ground shake some. I was going to camp out in this cave and I came out finding you. You were unconscious."

        "It was this bloody dagger of Pan's, he slammed it into the soil. Then there had been this explosion of some sort," Hook explained groggily and pained. "Did you find the others?"

        "You mean Emma?" Tinkerbell admitted. Uncomfortably irritated now, Hook got up.

        "It's not just about Emma, love..."

        "When are you gonna tell them, Killian? About us? What we had?"

In annoyance, Hook couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Perhaps it would've been my plan once we got off this bloody island!" Hook raised his voice. "We were coming back for you, we promised we would..."

        "And you aren't the first set of people to have promised me something," Tinkerbell mentioned.

        "You could've gone with us to get Felix's sister but you chose to stay back..."

        "Pan couldn't know I was helping you guys...he can't know I'm alive..." Tinkerbell rushed, desperately.

        "I wouldn't be surprised if he knew you were already," Hook commented then pulled from his pocket his bottle of rum. Opening it, he swallowed a mouth full of tasteless liquid. Instantly, he was taken aback realizing whatever was in his rum bottle wasn't his alcohol. "Aye!--what--"

        "I emptied it and filled it with water," Tinkerbell then admitted. Hook looked over at her, distressed. "You don't need all that alcohol," she added.

        "Aye, well you've really done your part there," Hook started and urged Tinkerbell against a wall. She stared up as his captivating blues. "You were always trying to enlighten me of the consequences and prices of rum...but you, you drank it with me those nights we spent together. Don't you forget you didn't listen to your own words of wisdom. And next time, love, you decide to strip me of my certain potion that really works wonders for me, also remember the rum is what made me want you." Backing off, Hook gave room for the love struck Tinkerbell to breath. 

        "What we had was never real...I know that, but if you want to be with Emma, I don't want you working the same tricks you did on me..."

        "Ah," Hook turned towards Tinkerbell, "so you are team savior then..."

        "She promised to give me a home."

        "Yet, not even a moment ago, you doubted that promise," Hook recalled.

        "I get vulnerable when we talk about our past, my past," Tinkerbell replied.

        "Then why bring it up anymore?" Hook questioned.

        "Because, Emma and Regina are smart...they were beginning to suspect something when we were all together. That night you got back with Charming from Deadman's Peak, you got drunk off your ass and wouldn't shut up about me."

        "They couldn't of just made an assumption we had been close friends at some point in our Neverland pasts?" Hook suggested. Tinkerbell rolled her eyes.

        "I told you, Regina and Emma are smart. Luckily they were more focused on saving Henry then listening to your drunken babbling."

        "Well then...suppose we get back to Storybrooke and we tell them all about what happened between us...then, how are you going to leave your little secret out of it?" Tinkerbell was instantly thrown into a slight panic.

        "We have to leave it out," she spoke with much earnest. Hook then smirked.

        "You claim them to be so smart when they didn't even think to ask you how you became Pan's ally," he pointed out.

        "I told you, they've been too busy thinking about how to save Henry...and now that lost girl, Anna..." Tinkerbell shook her head, overwhelmed. Hook nodded slowly.

        "They've got their hands full...maybe when it's all over, they'll be too relieved to even think to wonder about our past..."

The Shadow's Keeper ~OUAT Peter Panfiction (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now