I Need You To Be Here -Trayce Thompson- requested

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   "Again? You're leaving us to go halfway across the country again?" I screamed at my husband.

   "You think I can control any of this, Sam? If it were up to me you know that I'd be in LA with you and Caleb permanently." Trayce says, lining his suitcase up on the wall.

   "Your son barley sees you when you're here 'cause of all the games, and you keep getting sent back to to play halfway across the country! How is that fair for Caleb?" I shout, throwing my hands up in the air and stepping closer to Trayce.

   "It's not okay, I know it's not fair for him, but Sam you know I'm trying and working as hard as I can to earn a spot permanently in the lineup. It just is how is it for right now."

   I groan and break down. This was all becoming too hard. Trayce always traveling and getting sent back down to OKC was too hard for me and Caleb. "I feel like I'm the only one doing anything in this relationship." I whisper, but it was loud enough for Trayce to hear. "I feel like I'm the one that's really trying to get our shit together and keep us together as a family. I need help Trayce. It's like I'm a single mother, you're never here."

   "You don't think that I know this? You guys are all I think about when I'm away. When I get sent back down you guys are what pushes me to do well enough to get sent back up! I want to be here Sam, but this is my career we're talking about."

   I looked down and chuckled. "Wow, I never thought you'd be the person to pick his career over his family. You know what, take your fucking bag and just drive to the airport now!And then when Caleb wakes up and he asks where his daddy's at, I'll just tell him he's 'pursuing his career'. Don't bother coming back Trayce, we've been doing fine without you anyways."

   "Sam, don't do this. You know I love you guys more than anything."

   "Not more than baseball obviously. Goodbye Trayce." I opened the door and tried to hold my ground while I watched him walk out.

   "I love you Sam." His voice was hushed and I could tell he was crying without even having to look at him.

   "Don't do that. Don't you dare say you love me 'cause if you loved me you would try your best to stay, not keep leaving for weeks at a time."

   He didn't say anything in response, so I closed the door, shutting him out from what use to be our house. I couldn't shut him out of my mind though, he consumed my thoughts. I loved him so much; what did I just do?

   There was a knock on the door. "Go away Trayce!" I screamed.

   "Sam please!"

   I couldn't stay strong enough to stay away. I unlocked the door and was met face to face with a puffy eyed Trayce.

   "I talked to Doc; I'm not going anywhere."


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