Sorry it's late I haven't been on wattpad

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I would just like to say. ThatOneFangirl203 Oi.

Let's start off this episode of I want to kill myself because I wrote out this entire thing and it was deleted in a matter of seconds.

1.) Let me just look through the 300+ songs on my playlist... mmhhmmm... mhhm.. yea... that's not happening. Honestly this is like asking me to pick a favourite child, I mean you can't just choose one.

2.) Sports? Really? Is that really an appropriate question for someone who lounges around all day binging shows and youtube, browsing tumblr and pinterest, forgetting to eat or eating to much, I mean really. The sport I'm best at is badminton, the Sprott I've always loved but am not athletic enough for is baseball, and I swear if you try to say that I'm a girl so I should be playing softball not baseball, I will block you.

3.) I'm not choosing a favourite child. Look at the Holy emo quartet, melanie Martinez, halsey, green day, eminem/D12, and more.

4.) Doctor Who. Who wouldn't love a show about a 903 year old space man from the planet gallifrey in the constellation of kasteborous, who has come to save the world on numerous ocasions, likes to eat fish fingers and custard, has a pool in the library, dresses outrageously, and has a timey wimey box that's bigger on the inside? Not to mention a wibbly wobbly timey wimey detector that goes ding when there's stuff.

5.) Sweeney Todd. My first r rated movie, and the first movie with people cutting other people that didn't make me nauseous, that I actually enjoyed watching. I think it may have made me a bit more psychotic than normal, but it's whatever...

6.) For 10+ years it was blue, minus a small time when I was 3 and I liked pink (I don't know what was wrong with me then), currently I've been between blue and purple...

7.) Bbq pork ribs with mashed potatoes and sweet corn. Simple as that.

8.) Honestly it depends on my mood. I've been hating pepsi and loving doctor pepper lately, if you give me coke I will punch you it's gross, I've been preferring 7 up to sprite but I will drink both, I've been liking grape juice and mango tea.

9.) *sits contemplating for 15 minutes* my final answer is pokémon x. I've always loved pokémon, the games, the movies, the plush, the actual card games, the only one I've not really liked is pokémon go, for obvious reasons, 1 being I'm not athletic, and 2 being it had such potential and was just a flop.

10.) 15 people who's lives I have to make miserable, well, I'm starting with *drumroll*
PunMaster100 please don't kill me!

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