the title is too short

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We regret to inform you this will be posted a day late due to technical difficulties *cough my batteries dead and it's 4:19 am cough*

sxtanicphan I have been doing so many of these lately which means PunMaster100 has been doing a lot lately as well cause I keep tagging them so yea.

ALSO, Shameless self promotion read my poems please. Also geese. Also pineapples. Omg a goose made out of pineapples. Can someone take the above picture and texture the goose to look like a pineapple and send it to me? I will love you forever.

1.) Rules are posted
2.) I'm not tagging you materino
3.) I haven't refused. Yet.
4.) I'm doing it in a day 😎
5.) I think this is a book yes.
6.) I don't wanna wattpad knows enough.
7.) Is my title creative enough?
8.) 13 PEOPLE!? That's like 13 whole people who's profiles I have to link you too!
9.) I think the only rule I'd change is to not have to talk about myself.. I guess that's the point of the tag though...

Let's get on with the video kiderinos

1.) Geese 

2.) Nightowl

3.) Poetry

4.) Music

5.) Maths

6.) YouTube

7.) Phanfiction

8.) Flowers Kittens and Chronic Depression

9.) Rootbeer

10.) Sadness

11.) Mike&Ikes

12.) Art

13.) Pineapples


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