The red of a ruby is nothing compared to that of a rose.

27 1 9

phanlover20069 and DemigodPotterhead103 You have both given me the same tag, luckily you were nice enough to make me do it only once. Thanks I guess.

It wouldn't load media for me so if it doesn't here you go

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It wouldn't load media for me so if it doesn't here you go.

Also I think it's a Saturday?

1.) My favorite day of the weak is Tuesday. No particular reason, I just like the word. It sounds pretty to me.

2.) As well as the number 19. It makes me happy, and I have no clue why. Ever since I knew how to count I've thought of it as a nice number.

3.) I've always love animals, especially cats, wolves and penguins.

4.) My grandpa's friend owns wolves, and when I met them they immediately accepted me as one of them, and would lay on me and wouldn't want to move.

5.) Bolded italicized words have always look nice to me, no matter the font. It looks fancy, and somewhere a cross between cursive and printing which I've always thought was cool

6.) Ever since I could talk I loved to sing, more than anything else. I like to write poems as well and I would always sing any poem I read. I don't think I'm that good, but people have said it's pretty good.

7.) I want to learn to play ukulele, but I don't have a ukulele so it's kind of hard...

8.) I would like to dye half of my head a vibrant magenta to contrast my blonde locks, and if I don't like the two together I hope to dye the other half vibrant purple.

9.) I was a sassy child. If you told me I couldn't do something because I was female I would tell you every reasoned you were wrong and proceed to try to do the thing better than you.

10.) I've never been good at sports, but I can pitch a baseball pretty well. If you care to tell me I shouldn't be practicing with a base ball because I should be playing softball I'd like to reference you to the number above.

11.) I've got probably 400+ stuffed animals currently in my room...

12.) I love art, but I can't find my style, I don't ever like it much...

13.) I love performing, I get top marks in my drama class year round, and I like to participate in the plays and talent shows.


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