Everyone's just a little bit crazy.

29 4 16

Hi there!
Welcome to your nightmares!
Where all these little things are soon to be revealed and out there!
Where all your little fears can come to life!
Where everyone can know the very things that make you tick!
They'll strap you to a table and it's sure to make you kick!
So welcome to the danger zone, where every little thing is known,
And you can never leave, it's not that hard to believe!

Cause now you've journeyed down the rabbit hole and you will never land.
Luckily the rabbit hole is actually quite grand!

Sorry I got carried away with my rhyme... are you scared yet?

whxts_xp tagged me! Love ya hun!   

PunMaster100 I tag thee

Lettuce begin

1.) Yes I have one. No I won't choose. Go listen to tbp, dd: ttlotfk, tcfsr, futct, save rock&roll, ab/ap, afycso, pretty odd, blurryface, crybaby, and badlands and choose for me.

2.) Sports? *under breath* is this guy serious?* I like baseball, and if you dare try tell me I'm a girl so I should be playing softball I swear I will personally lecture you for three hours straight why soft all is stupid, and girls should be able to play baseball.

3.) Again, can someone choose for me? I can't pick. Probably one of those above^

4.) Doctor Who, I can't wait for 13, this is gonna be great!

5.) Let me tell you a tale, the tale of Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street. I can watch it anyday, except for the lovey parts where the boy is singing about Johanna, I could care less about that

6.) Hmm... blue, purple, pink (when pastel, or hot paired with black or purple), most colours in pastel form, black.

7.) Barbecue pork ribs with mashed potatoes and sweet corn. Mmmmm yumm

8.) Soda, juice, Mango black tea lemonade with two extra pumps of mango at starbucks.

9.) I got this cute new game called slime rancher, look it up.

10.) 14 more people, 13 if you include the fact I tagged the person who tagged me so I could tell the people I'm tagging who tagged me in the first place, but 14 is the number.


That concludes this episode of why do I actually do these, no one would know if I didn't, stay tuned for  next time where I shove a knife in my eyeballs.

Tagged?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora